Colorado Mountain Hiking

Share information about good locations to hike nude in the Front Range and in the Mountains. (Boulder/Denver/Ft.Collins/RockyMountainNationalPark/IndianPeaks, Summit County and the Southern Front Range too). No discrimination, so if you have an area not listed, feel free to mention it too.

Hiking this Weekend?

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Is anybody hiking this weekend or Monday? I'm in Denver for a long weekend and a naked hike would be lovely.

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RE:Hiking this Weekend?

This is why I loved living in the Denver area. My first thought when I saw this post was that it was going to be a chilly hike naked. Then I looked at the weather forecast. Highs in the mid to upper 70s. My high tomorrow (St Louis Metro area) is low 60s at best.

I would still recommend a nice trip to hot spring though, and don't let those sunny skies make you complacent. The weather can change in an instant along the range. I once left Aurora in the morning with sunny skies and temps in the mid 80s. Drove home in a blizzard that dumped close to a foot of snow.

John aka cobeachbum

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RE:Hiking this Weekend?

Which hot spring are you referring to?

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RE:Hiking this Weekend?

Which hot spring are you referring to?

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RE:Hiking this Weekend?

Which hot spring are you referring to?

The closest clothing optional one is Dakota Hot Springs in Penrose. Take 115 south out of Colorado Springs to 50. It's exactly 1 mile west on 50 to the entrance.

If you have a couple days, I highly recommend Valley View Hot Springs (Part of the Orient Land Trust - It is located just south of Villa Grove, CO. From Denver, take 285 to hwy GG just south of Villa Grove. Do not just show up. You must call ahead and make reservations, even for just a day trip. They have strict quotas (pure number of people, not by gender), and are usually booked pretty solid, even in the winter months. Most of the springs are in the 90ish range, but the Apple Ponds are artificially heated to 102-105ish as part of the hydro-electric plants buffering system.

There are many others, both commercial and in-the-wild. A simple internet search will give you a list

John aka cobeachbum

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