Driving Naked

For those who enjoy driving in the nude.

Where to undress and redress

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For me, driving nude is the easy part. It's about where to undress and re-dress that causes me concern. When on the freeway (I-5 in Oregon), I have undressed while driving. I will admit it is very dangerous, as I have to momentarily unbuckle my seatbelt.

Undressing and dressing in a parking lot is much safer from a personal safety standpoint but more risky in terms of being caught. I recall once I parked in a large parking lot in Houston, TX, thinking that no one would see me getting dressed inside of the car. After getting my shorts back on, I noticed two young women in a car a distance from me checking me out. I saw one kind of point at me. It could easily have gone south with one of them reporting me to security/cops. I don't trust any textiles based on past outlandish over-reactions to my nudity.

One thing that I am really happy about is at my go-to clothing-optional beach/park here in Seattle is that nudity in the parking lot is now acceptable. On the very rare occasion, when I am able to find a parking spot at the park, it is fun to simply get out of my vehicle nude and walk to the lawn/grassy area completely nude. It is also fun to see other nude park goers walk to their vehicles nude to get something that they may have forgotten, etc. Lastly, it is a lot of fun to leave the beach nude and get in one's vehicle and drive nude. But then, I am faced with the dilemna of where I will dress before I get back to my place.

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RE:Where to undress and redress

If you still have the Miata you can try it nude with the top down on a lightly used country road.

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