

Over the years I have taken some naked dares in hotels. I was on business in a city of a friend of mine. We went back to my hotel after dinner. We are both exhibitionists. He came up with a dare. One guy strips naked and leaves the room - no clothes taken at all. The other guy holds the room key. The naked guy has to spend 30 mins walking the halls. I remember stepping out into the hallyway naked - it was both exciting and scary. Rules: no running and no covering up with hands or anything. I had to walk up at least two floors and take the elevator back down. It was like 2AM so the hotel was quiet. And we'd checked for cameras. I made it through my 30 mins so my friend had to go. He was more scared than I was but he did it. We had fun. I even have some pictures from my adventure :) ... What have others done?

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RE:Naked Dares?

Did the streaking bit back in the 70's once. We ended up getting caught by security at a private club. No charges were gotten. That was enough for me. I'll stick with around my house or cabin and the nude beach or resorts. If you did that these days you'd be arrested and labeled a sexual pervert.

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