Gay/bi/straight Hangout In MD

This group is dedicated to those who want to meet and hangout with others while nude or clothed. Posting events that youd like to host is highly encouraged. Even if it means meeting up at a restaurant, bar, bowling etc with the group. Lets hangout MD! Feel free to invite friends to the group. The more the merrier! naked hugs

Hey guys, I created this group for those of us in MD looking to connect with fellow nudists in the area. Who doesnt love socializing with others while nude?

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Great idea!! I will be able to host gatherings soon in Aberdeen.

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Im down! Always nice to hang out with fellow nudists. Please keep me in the loop!

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Sweet! Please feel free to invite friends to the group as well.

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You would think that with two camps in the state, and a couple of groups on meet up this would be easier lol

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Right! It has proven to be pretty challenging. Hopefully with the warmer weather coming it will get easier. Im going to do my best to keep this group as active as possible to make sure we get more members and more event going on here in MD.

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