Gym Loving Nudists

This is a group for all Nudists, young and old that enjoy going to the gym and keeping fit. Its a place to swap tips on diet and exercise and meet new naked friends from across the world.

Hey anyone got some advice on how to get motivated? I get so bored at the gym. either there alone and for some reason people do not like to talk these days. OMG, like if they say hello they will lose Or the other reason is I have little time to wait fo someone to finish 3 to 5 sets on one piece of equipment.

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RE: Help

I understand what you are saying. That's what happens in almost all gyms these days. It is different with college gyms. I feel the same thing too, including those personal trainers. Sometimes I was thinking how in the world those personal trainiers would get clients if they are so ignorant in daily basis.
But hey think this way: that's their loss. Try to smile when you see semeone walking toward you and that's it. I mean don't expect more than just smiling. You did your part by smiling and it is up to them. If they didn't respond back to your good will, it's their loss.
Or give more space to people next to you in the locker room. If your stuff on their way, excuse yourself. I know one person in the locker room who always throw other people stuff to the floor or ask others to remove their stuff immediately no matter what. I thinkhis actionis rude.
Believe me, some people do care about others if we do our part first such as smiling or say hi. I have two new friends now with whom I can chat or just say hello. I started the gym 3 months ago. I go to gym during lunch time, so everybody just wants to get in and out within one hour.
The other thing would help you is to be confidence in yourself. We always think other people have better body or muscle etc. But in reality every one has their own weakness too.Look in the mirror, as long as all your body parts function, you are good. I go to gym to get healthy and keepmy body moving. If you can do that, be thankful and proud of your body no matter what. The next step is getting better shape, muscle, tone etc.
As motivation, sometimes just do the routine part like biking, or treatmill or any exercise that don't need a lot of thinking. Once you are back motivated, do the most chalenging exercise.
It is your body, you are the one who is in charge and should take good care of it. Think in long term: having healthy body means healthy life and hopefully away from illness. First get healthy and then bigger muscle or shape etc.

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RE: Help

I can only speak for myself. I hit the gym about 4 times a week but not to bulk up or get ripped. I just try to stay in a decent and healthy shape. When I get in one of those moods of why bother, wishing I had a buff bod that I'll never get with what I'm doing, I just stop and think what my body might look like if I did nothing at all. I'll sometimes go with the attitude I'll just do as much as I feel like and usually always wind up doing a lot more than I thought once I get started. It's also helps mentally, great way to get rid of the blahs or feeling lethargic.
As for making friends. The best way I've found is to pay a guy with a worked out body a compliment on his physique. NOT like you hitting on him but in an indirect way. If walking by a gym rat and you nod at each other just casually jester at his chest or arms and say something like, "Looks like whatever you're doing is working" as you continue to walk by. Believe me, they always appreciate the affirmation that all their hard work is being recognized. I guarantee they'll say Thanks! Now you've broken the ice and it's a lot easier to say hello or start a conversation when you see each other on future visits. I have a dozen or so "gym friends" and that makes heading to the gym a lot easier! Good luck!

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RE: Help

I use to work out all the time. Got a great body. Loved it. My progress was due to my work out buds who worked out as hard as I did. Now, I have no work out buds, and work out alone. They say muscle has memory, I think mine has alzheimers!Like many have mentioned... used free weights for better results, keep a log, and best yourself. I used a trainer for a while to spot me until I got confident that I could keep going by myself.When I was a young guy.. lifting for the first time... I had this body builder give me advise. "Start slow, work your way up, and love your progress. There will be days when you see no progress, and other's where you will. The endorphins are a natural rush... push yourself to get your endorphins engaged".Now my son has taken over with his workouts, and will not work out with me! Damn bastard. But do the free weights, work at your own pace, and remember to do muscle confusion. Chest and legs, Back and Bi's, Shoulders and tri's... etc.

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