Hippie Hollow - Austin,TX

Planning on visiting Hippie Hollow? Let us know here and perhaps others can join you!! Feel free to post pics of your time there, and share your experiences of the only officially sanctioned c/o park in TX. Encourage all of you to post links to pics of your experiences there.

Update on what is happen at HH

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Was there today, 7/30. The two restrooms are closed and also the water is turned off to the hoses that you can wash off. There are portable toilets set up in the parking lot, there were four of them by the main entrance that goes down to the first restrooms. Not sure if there are others at the other end of parking lot.

For those that have not gone in a while, the water level is very low, the lowest I've seen it since I've been going which was 2012. If you are not by the first restroom area, all other stair entrances leave you with a major hike down to the water and then back up. Since there is plenty of area to lay or sit, it seems to give the impression the park is not crowded even though the parking lot was full.

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RE:Update on what is happen at HH

That is kind of what it was like when I was there for the first time in June when in town for the naked bike ride. I am going to be in Houston from 9/9-9/12 for their ride on 9/10. I realize it is a 3 hour drive from Houston, but depending on my schedule I may make the side trip. Hopefully it won't be 103 degrees out like in June, but it did not seem that hot then.

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