Naked Massage

Naked Massage Group is for people to Massage in the Nude; And for those who prefer to be Massaged Nude. Good Topic, and discussion. Have Practised Massage for well over 20 Years, both with Vanity Towels and Nude.

As a professional massage therapist it is interesting how some clients, even under draping, will keep on their underwear. Seems just as try for either gender. I wold say about 20% of clients i see choose to leave underwear on

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RE:naked or not

Not me :-)

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RE:naked or not

why would anyone leave underwear on I always am naked for a massage

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RE:naked or not

Might as well wear clothing into the shower! Lol!!

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RE:naked or not

Naked for me too... only way to be massaged

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RE:naked or not

Definitely naked. Underwear just gets in the way and I'm sure the massage therapist has seen it all before.

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RE:naked or not

I just had a massage here in Casablanca. All male setting and also a wet setting. Water flowed freely. The therapist were in whatever underwear for the day as was all visitors. Massages were down on open tables in the center of the room. Scrubbing with rough pads. A brownish gel rubbed in. A decent massage too and reasonable price. I would have been fine with totally nudity for everyone like I found in St Petersburg Russia bath , but Muslim countries maintain a modesty that forbids total nudity exposed even in an all male setting.. I was even told to stand behind a curtain to change out of my wet briefs

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RE:naked or not

I give massages in the OKC area. I'm a nudist, so I never wear clothes when I give a massage. Just makes more sense to be nude. I don't have worry about ruining my clothes with oil and it is cooler and more comfortable. I like to keep the room warm for the person receiving a massage since they are naked and laying still. I'm getting a workout when I give a massage. Even naked, I work up a sweat.

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RE:naked or not

I always enjoy my massages totally naked..and never understand why people wear shorts or draw a towel around themselves in a sauna. Hate the thought of anything damp clinging to me.

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RE:naked or not

In the State of Illinois, a licensed massage therapist cannot "expose" their client's genitals and are required to do draping, which I feel detracts my energy. Clients are not required to wear shorts, but it seems many therapists feel less vulnerable if they do. Once trust is established, draping and nudity may be less relevant, but that takes time and money.
Due to the combination of budget and modesty laws, I don't like to get a massage in Illinois.

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RE:naked or not

Might as well wear clothing into the shower! Lol!!

The fact is I did see some guys wearing underwear or swimming trunk for shower in a communal shower in the Y!!!!!!!

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