Naked Seniors!

A group for 50, 60, 70 year olds and above, as well as younger admirers of naked seniors. At our ages you think we'd know better. Running around with no clothes on--we could catch a death of a cold or, even worse, pneumonia! Everyone knows, too, that gravity begins to take over as far as our bodies are concerned--men as well as women suddenly find they need support in places they'd never...

Made it to the 70s age group

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Last week while on a river cruise of the Columbia and Snake Rivers, I passed from the 60s into the 70s. Honestly I didn't think it made any difference but somehow it does. I feel more a "Senior Nudist" now than before and I'm really proud of being in this category. The only thing I regret about my position is that I waited until just a few short years ago to truly join the fold of everyone here.

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RE:Made it to the 70s age group

I agree. Despite 'official retirement' I have been busy with projects and travel that I have not paid attention to my years. My 70th was also last week, the 17th, and I still feel and act as though I was years younger. Guess the "senior" status is a state of mind.

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RE:Made it to the 70s age group

Age certainly is a state of mind and we're as young as we feel! I'll be sixty-five shortly and tough I retired from service five years ago I'm even more active now than I was then and taking it all at my own pace! Being busy and engaged in something you enjoy doing is the key I guess to staying happy, healthy and hugely hopeful of everything going right! Being surrounded by people of all ages helps give one a sense of balance, and accepting the changes that come with age is important to being content.

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RE:Made it to the 70s age group

At Uni a fellow student asked a 30 year old tutor what it was like being so old. He said "Great, everyone my age and younger looks good and as I get older more people look good". That's especially true in nudism. So, at age 72, I'm carefree and the world looks wonderful. My motto is "Enjoy life while I can". And my time is my own

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RE:Made it to the 70s age group

I been in the 70s age group now for 6 years and feel no different than when I was in my 60s. I feel great and in fact I have found I appreciate nudism more now than then. I am usually always nude and have a great "all over tan". I'm sure the rest of my 70s will be just as good.

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RE:Made it to the 70s age group

It is always a matter of attitude
I'm coming up 65 and really hope that in ten years I am still as active
Able to still enjoy naturism

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