Naked Talk

A place for everyone to talk about anything and everything! Post topics from whats going on in the playoffs (Go Steelers) to your nudist lifestyle or even put questions to the group. Nothing is really off limits, just be considerate with your wording. I want everyone to feel free to create new topics, post in threads, and post pics.

Who do you connect with online and by what means?

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Just curious, as I have a small group of friends on TN, but even so only a handful of those are active in terms of any posting or outreach other than who they have friended lately. So Im wondering are the folks who rarely or never post just not inclined to sharing online, or do they focus on chat, or do other social sites, nudist or not, get their focus? What is true for you? Thoughts on others?

For me, I spend more time on this site than any other social site, and more time on the site than privately messaging or chatting, though I enjoy those interactions too, but just want to know if the silent folks are truly silent, or just otherwise engaged...

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RE:Who do you connect with online and by what means?

I have made some friends on here. I try to engage in conversations through email. I have talked to a good many that keep the conversation going and I am very appreciative of that. Some I have tried to make plans with and they flake but I understand that people have lives. I don't do the chat room thing I cannot seem to keep up with all the conversations going on in there. I am a member of another site and I occasionally talk to people on there and we do actually get together. I am going nude sunbathing with a friend from that site on Friday and then meeting with another on Friday night for dinner and a movie. I wish we had the "beam me up scottie" feature in this world I would meet a lot more people and do a lot more stuff...

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