Nude Gardeners

A group for fellow gardeners from around the world.

Newbie. . interested in chatting and making male friends

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Living in a tropical country, I am lucky enough to be able to garden in the nude year round. . .which I always do. I have a fenced in private garden on a very quiet street. Hoping here to get some guys to chat with. New to TN but a lifelong naturist and alumni of nude beaches around the world. Happily married, gay. Into exchanging ideas, photos, tips etc etc. posting a couple of pics.

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RE:Newbie. . interested in chatting and making male friends

Welcome to the group! I sure would love to be able to garden nude year round.

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RE:Newbie. . interested in chatting and making male friends

It has its drawbacks. . .you never get a chance to rest and look through catalogs here! Always something to do. Thanks for the reply. You are the first real sign of life I have seen here!!

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We have orchids everywhere. However, I am not good at raising them. I try, but every 6 months or so I go to the orchid nursery and load up on blooming orchids For $20 I can get a dozen or more. When they have finished blooming, most die and get tossed out! I do have a dozen or so that live quite happily on various trees . .but it is a hot or miss method. BTW I have just started a blog .

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RE:Newbie. . interested in chatting and making male friends

I am away from my "real" home in the tropics. There, I live in a nudist community; here, of course, I am stuck living with at least one anti-nudist. I really want to go back there.

But one of the comments was right on: no seed catalogs there, so my choices are limited to what the other people grow.

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RE:Newbie. . interested in chatting and making male friends

I could wish I lived where I could grow tropical fruits. But I'm very well settled where it's not possible, no moving for me till I move on up. Land prices keep going up so I'm hanging on to what my parents bought and paid off when it was cheap, make it produce to honor their efforts. So I am pursuing growing everything I can grow here and in time I hope to build greenhouses and manage to grow the things I can't grow outside due to cold weather half the year.

Success in growing things depends on providing just the right environment they need to thrive. The procedure of it makes for a lifetime of study and experimentation. What I'm planting now outside is fruit and nut trees, some like water and some don't, some do ok on clay soil and some need loose soil and good drainage. Just have to learn what each type needs and try to provide it. Plus the mineral fertility is usually out of balance in nature, so adding minerals in the right amounts will help a lot to bring the mineral levels up and more into correct balance with each other. (Cary Reams figured that out as best a man can do) As well as adding carbon to grab those soluble elements and provide a healthy environment for the beneficial soil microbial and fungal life. Attempting to reproduce Terra Preta soils of south America is my goal now, using biochar for carbon with natural minerals. Naturist farmer is my pursuit.

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RE:Newbie. . interested in chatting and making male friends

Would love to be able to garden nude all year round but unless I move to a hotter country this will never happen and I have got too many other interests here to do this move any way.

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