Nude Gardeners

A group for fellow gardeners from around the world.

First naked gardening day of the year

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I got to spend the whole afternoon out in the garden naked today. That first day is always a thrill, and it usually happens on April 9th or 10th most years in my neck of the woods. I transplanted some kale, broccoli, and cabbage that I had started inside and planted the peas and radishes. With the current outrageous costs of fresh produce, I'm hoping we can have a bumper crop this year.

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RE:First naked gardening day of the year

Yes bet u enjoyed it

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RE:First naked gardening day of the year

Did some naked gardening yesterday in southern Oz where I live, cleaning up fruit & vege plants that need it. The vege will go, the fruit trees had wind damage. It is a nice feeling to nude garden.

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RE:First naked gardening day of the year

my first naked gardening was weeks ago cutting down the maiden hair grass . then it got cold and for weeks i have not even done any clothed gardening. Figured if i waited long enough i will be able to do it nude. It does not look promising for this next week again.

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RE:First naked gardening day of the year

Did some naked gardening yesterday in southern Oz where I live, cleaning up fruit & vege plants that need it. The vege will go, the fruit trees had wind damage. It is a nice feeling to nude garden.

We only have one "Green" recycle bin. We can either have a day of trimming and clipping, racking up leaves but we like to stretch it out over the week and do a little each day. Our naked gardening days are Thursday to Tuesday with Wednesday being our trash/recycle pick up day. We are so fortunate to be able to naked garden or naked yard work almost every day here. The only downside is that our front yard needs as much maintenance and care as the back, but we can't work completely naked up front. We do, however, wear minimal clothing to keep the neighbors from getting upset or calling the cops! hahaha

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RE:First naked gardening day of the year

I looked at my garden today and we keep having so much rain it maybe a while before I can garden nude. Every time I work the ground to plant it rains. Today would of been a good day to work in there but they call for rain the whole week.

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RE:First naked gardening day of the year

I don't know how to figure what is first day of the year, since I get in some nude days on occasion out there doing something all winter off and on. But lately it's been more on than off with the warmth of spring coming on. It's been running in the 70's a lot, nice for clothing free work. With occasional chilly spells. This last weekend was one where we got snow, it didn't stick since ground was too warm. Down to about freezing for 2 nights, but after the 2nd night the temp popped way back up to 70 again. That was today. Although I got busy with a tree cutting job and planting some apple tree starts into pots, and didn't get out and work where I could leave off the fabric. The week coming is predicted rain off and on and temps remaining warm. So I'll get in plenty more good work time clothes free inbetween rains. Starting to get my all over tan started. Been mowing grass weeds and briars with flail chopper blowing it into a trailer, made a compost pile and hauling plenty up to mulch the fruit trees. Also been working on clearing some more hillside for planting more apple trees, burning brush piles. It's sometimes quite dirty work, especially re stacking partially burned logs into new fire piles. getting covered with charcoal and ash. But not wearin anything it don't matter, all washes off real easy. Sorry clothing companies, I keep cheatin ya outa wearin out things. Umm,, not sorry i guess.

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RE:First naked gardening day of the year

I've been doing garden work naked from time to time all year starting in January.

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RE:First naked gardening day of the year

What is the minimum temperature for your naked gardening?

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RE:First naked gardening day of the year

Quite jealous of others who can garden naked or even use there garden naked. I use to be able to go nude in my garden several years ago to a degree but sadly too over looked now on the one side with one neighbour, who let's say has never been neighbourly!

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RE:First naked gardening day of the year

What is the minimum temperature for your naked gardening?

It was only 55 degrees (F) yesterday, but pure sun with no wind made it very nice to be outside. My main garden overlooks the pond which is still about 80% ice.

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