Nude Tabletop Gamers

Who doesn't like playing Board games (EX: Dungeons and Dragons, Warhammer 40k, Kobolds ate my baby, Yu-Gi-Oh)? The only problem is most gamers are textilers... So my goal is to find other naturist gamers. I can't be the only one!

Played and DM's a lot of D&D years ago, mostly AD&D and v.3.5. Got back into it and found Dungeon World. I love this system and have been GMing for 2 or 3 years now. I just purchased Dungeon Crawl Classics and played my first game last night.
Because I live in rural SC, I play exclusively on-line through Discord and Roll20.
If anyone is hosting a weekly or biweekly game, I would be interested.

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RE:Games I Play

I've been playing a few powered by the apocalypse games lately (most recently monster hearts, I haven't tried dungeon world). I've also really liked the forged in the dark games I've played.

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