Only One Naked

For people interested in being the only naked person among dressed people. Art modeling is one obvious scenario. Have you ever stripped at a party? Walked or run naked in Bay to Breakers? Any other way to be uniquely naked in front of a crowd of dressed people?

Stories of solo nudity

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Beginning a nude thread here! After having read a some of the other topics here and seeing few of them getting little response, I have thought of a moment or two in my past where I was [about] the only bare person and the feelings that come from it.

There is a yearly meeting of cavers in West Virginia called Old Timers Reunion near Elkins and I was invited there by a friend, and had a lovely weekend, enjoying some nudism along the way. It seems like there's a free feeling among this tribe of folks that includes the want to be bare, and I mean a lot. They set up an area for bareness which includes huge black tarps blocking off an area where there are saunas and hot and cold tubs, even a separate area on the small river that flows by, a ridiculous rope across it with another tarp which around anyone can look past if they want to. At one point there were a hundred nude people behind the tarps, enjoying the small fire and generally just being nude. The tradition I enjoyed the most was when anyone new comes to this shindig, at midnight all the newbies jog out of the nude are and up to the pavilion where a thousand other clothed people are enjoying live music and then wait in line at the free beer stand and chug a brew. It was plain exhilarating to be one of only a dozen other bared bodies in that moment, getting applause from hundreds of clothed people simply for being naked! I'll never forget that feeling, and it seemed to take a very long time to get that cold beer. I loved it, and I think a lot of other people enjoyed me, too.

I have a couple of friends who invite me over for dinner every few months and they know my propensity for nudity, and after so many evenings together, I don't ever bother to ask them if they mind if I get unclothed. They call me "a professional" nudist, hee hee! When the weather is good they have their pool set up, we're all nude for that, and sometimes after the wine is poured enough, either or both of them might take off something, or everything, too. More often than not, we're all three bare before the night is done, then I go home and they go to bed, maybe a little friskier with that lovely feelingof openness that often accompanies skin showing. I'm from a more northern area, so a little nipply chill in the air doesn't detract me from letting the wedding tackle swing freely, and my friends accept it, even encourage it! They don't get to see a lot of nude male parts, being lesbians, and I think they like to see it from time to time. I enjoy being seen, so everyone wins.

There are two pleasant times of solo nudism for me. I have others I'll type about here later if I have encouraged you to think about your past and you're willing to let us learn about moments where you were the one, or the few, the proud, the naked!

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RE:Stories of solo nudity

I enjoyed yourstory, thanks for sharing.

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