Photoshop Fun

The camera does not lie - or does it? Things are not what the appear to be.

We all know the feeling. We are somewhere we'd like to be naked but can't. So how do we save the thought?

I take a picture and load it into Photoshop as the setting. I have a set of poses against a plain background which can be cut out using the magic wand and then slid onto the setting. But what if some of the setting is in the foreground, in front of me? So I duplicate the setting picture (right click on the thumbnail and chose duplicate). The bits behind me are cut out using the polygon lasso. So now I have three layers like a sandwich: the original setting (clicked into place), my nude self (slid on, adjusted and moved into place) and the edited duplicate setting (slid on). provided the two setting layers have not been cropped or adjusted the top (edited duplicate) layer will fit exactly and seamlessly over the original.

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RE:In the picture

Great fun. I will have to give that a try.

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