Retracted Foreskin Wearer.

A group for men who has foreskin, but likes to wear it retracted. This can be for whatever reason, the feel it gives you etc...

If there is enough interest fir us guys that have our foreskin and want to share experiences, concerns, joys etc. Network together and make connections. Young, middle aged or the seldom older. Hit me up and let's share our experiences.

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RE:Snapchat group

Sweet, Id love to be added please. Id love to know what other dudes have experienced

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RE:Snapchat group

Love to be added :-) fitz6079

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RE:Snapchat group

I am keen

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RE:Snapchat group

hi, yes id love to............

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RE:Snapchat group

Me and my foreskin are in! Flashuk3 on snapchat

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RE:Snapchat group

I'd be up for this - flashuk3 on snapchat

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RE:Snapchat group

Id be up for this too! Kyle13773

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