The Body-Perfect? Not Us!

This group was created by Will Goulden who was born without genitals and nevertheless he was an enthusiastic nudist. He said: This group is for those who are comfortable about their bodies in their surroundings, not in a mirror! - Truenudists is a fantastic site with a friendly chatroom crowd, thanks to teamtrue1's efforts. - However the TN members are letting themselves down. A sample...

All Bodies Are Perfect In A Way . . .

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I don't know what the perfect body is exactly nor do I worry about it - other than to stay as healthy as I can. I suppose there is some definition and visual of what the perfect body is, but the great thing about the nudist community is acceptance. Becoming a nudist, I learned to love my body as it is and that to me defines perfection. Nude, my body and spirit feel just perfect. In clothes, I feel trapped, uncomfortable, and even self conscious. Friends will say they see the joy that nudism brings to my life and while they would like to give it a try they are so nervous because of lumps, bumps, scars, et. al. - and I point to my own self and explain they have the perfect body to be a nudist just like everyone. I hate body shaming and feelings of imperfection that keep people from trying social nudity. Living as a nudist has done nothing but enhance and make my perfect naked body (albeit chubby) - happy and more fulfilling. I like being with nudists - they inspire me daily.

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RE:All Bodies Are Perfect In A Way . . .

What a lovely post so beautifully put. There is too much judgement in the world and none of us should be jealous or strive to what the media tell us is the body beautiful. I've found that my nudist friends are all non-judgemental and totally accepting of all, no matter what age, shape, gender, religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

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RE:All Bodies Are Perfect In A Way . . .

And the really beautiful thing is that no body is a perfect body
Each of us is unique and it is our differences that make each of us unique.
Even those bodies that the advertising sector would like to pretend are perfect are never a "perfect" body
There is no such thing
Humans are human. Not Gods
We should revel in and celebrate those things that make us the person that we are

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RE:All Bodies Are Perfect In A Way . . .

And the really beautiful thing is that no body is a perfect body
Each of us is unique and it is our differences that make each of us unique.
Even those bodies that the advertising sector would like to pretend are perfect are never a "perfect" body
There is no such thing
Humans are human. Not Gods
We should revel in and celebrate those things that make us the person that we are

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