The Cap, Chapeau, Or Hat Or Bonnet,

Put photos here of you wearing a cap, chapeau, hat or bonnet that is very special to you, an old, comfortable hat to keep you out of the sun or rain, an elegant bonnet such that you would wear to a coronation or the Kentucky Derby, a national cap or hat of some kind, something you would find at a millinery or haberdashery shop, most especially something with a story to tell.

Shut Up and Fish - Alaska

Today there were red salmon in the Russian River, king salmon in the Homer Spit lagoon, and halibut off the beach Ninichik! But we had to have an alternator problem with the truck. No fish today in Alaska - BUT, we will be back.

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Why a Hat?

When I first went to the nude beach at Sandy Hook NJ (Gunnison) I realized that I had a hard time remembering people. The grey-haired man or woman was an inadequate descriptor an the weekday afternoon beach was near 100% grey-haired men or women. I...

Latest PostSo smart!
by MakebaGirl13 
Happy Hawaiian Hat

Aloha! I hope you enjoy this silly fun video. I will say I love how Hawaiian culture respects and appreciates all life. I love how they weave all of it into their lives so beautifully. I was in Hawaii once. Its in my brain every day. Beautiful...

protection indispensable contre les...

My face was affected by three times small skin cancers which, treated, are harmless but annoying sometimes, so I protect myself with a straw hat with wide brim

Pamir wool socks, Jurab wool socks

I know several have posted wool caps. Usually cold feet go along with that. I have neither but my wife has both. I brought her Pamir wool socks from Tajikistan as a solution to her putting her cold feet on my otherwise warm legs and back in our bed....

Capybara Hat from Argentina

Capybaras are the world's largest rodents and live in South America. They live a semi-aquatic lifestyle and their leather is used to produce particularly water-repellant, stylish broad-brimmed hats. I picked this up on a tour with the Anchorage...

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Sourdough Bread - If you are going to San...

I took a sourdough bread class-Yum!

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May is National Stroke Awareness Month -...

May is National Stroke Awareness Month. I had a stroke last Fall when a friend of mine was coming over to meet me for coffee. When he got there I couldnt talk, I had a droopy face and my right side was paralyzed, but he recognized the signs of a...

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Tajik Groom's Robe and Crown

I was tasked with helping people recover from the Taliban when they wanted to start an Islamic revolution in Tajikistan (which shares a thousand-mile border with Afghanistan). Russia under Boris Yeltsin suppressed the Taliban and I helped the...

Liberia farmer's hat

While on my many trips to Liberia to teach people about fish culture, I was getting out of the shower one morning at my motel and I slipped, fell backwards and split head wide open. Blood was everywhere and, after I cleaned it up, my companion...