The Innocence Of Nudity In History

The purpose of this group is to create a gallery of photos and art as a throwback to a simpler time when nudity and the human body were accepted in society and appreciated rather than demonized. A place where the innocence of the naked human form was considered as a normal part of society and not shunned or condemned. This is not a group for you to post your personal pictures unless they are...

The nude has featured in art over centuries, both in statues and paintings. They date from ancient Greece and Rome/Florence. Kings and noblemen commissioned nude works of art to adorn their homes and named them after mythical gods/goddesses even into Victorian times. There are even the nudes on the Cysteine Chapel and other holy places. And without that patronage we wouldn't be able to enjoy a heritage of art as it is today. But was it totally innocent? Or did the patrons want some titillation?

Was David naked when going into battle against Goliath or is that just how Michelangelo saw him? Are the Carma Sutra carvings educational or just porn?

There were ancient events, such as the original Olympics in which competitors were naked. Didn't the Spartans fight in the nude? And a visit tp Pompeii tells us that the penis was seen as a sign of wealth. They all depict some non-sexual innocence.

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