Tolerant Nudists

This group is for nudists who are tolerant of others who are not the same as them. For example there are some who have good reasons not to show a picture and others who want a quid-pro-quo picturewise. Some are outgoing whilst others are still finding their feet. Some are sticklers for the rules whilst others are only human. TN has lots of members and the richness is in the veriety

So what sort of nudist are you? I think it is a question we all have to ask ourselves. I've met sexy nudists, campeigning nudists and ones that just like to get an all-over tan and go skinny-dipping. The last group may only go nude on a sunny beach, wheras others do that and get naked at other times too. The ones I like best are the natural nudists - those who are as comfortable naked or clothed and behave much the same either way. I'd like to think I'm one of them. Well, I can hope.
What is great is that there is room for all sorts. and maybe we are all a mixture of each. Does our choice of friends show who we are?

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RE: All sorts

I've always been of the opinion that someone who is only naked at home isn't a true nudist. To me, being a nudist isn't only enjoying being nude at home, but sharing the experience with others in social situations, such as beaches, resorts and smaller get-togethers. Anyone can be nude in the privacy of their own home, and are, regularly. That doesn't make them a nudist. What makes a person a nudist is being so comfortable in your own skin that you can be nude in any location at any time with anyone present and not be self conscious or embarrassed. And there is a definite difference between being a nudist and being a naturist. A nudist is as I've already described. A naturist is someone who lives their life in a totally natural way... naked (as they came into this world), ecologically aware, natural foods, etc... someone who has dedicated themselves to living a cleaner, more environmentally friendly life. This world would truly be a better place if we all lived as they do. It take a lot of commitment. :)

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RE: All sorts

...What makes a person a nudist is being so comfortable in your own skin that you can be nude in any location at any time with anyone present and not be self conscious or embarrassed....I'd far rather be naked than clothed, on my own, in social nudity situations or clothing optional. The above quote sums up what sort of nudist I consider myself to be. I feel far more comfortable when nude and am used to being naked wherever and whenever I can be, being nude feels too good to worry about being so.

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RE: All sorts

I mostly like the beaches (which I can't get to as often as I like) and I chill at home during the warmer months. I am reaching out and trying to be nude in social situations but most of my textile friends aren't into it. I am not the sort who will go to great lengths, in the cooler months I will not run a heater just to be nude. I also won't force it on anyone. I've seen a lot of 'it's my house, damn it!' attitude on this site and I agree that one has the right to exist in their own domain, but I value the comfort of my guests and friends. That said, if the Jehovah's Witnesses or some other missionaries come by I am not in the business of compromising my comfort for the sake of theirs. After all it's my house, damn it!

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RE: All sorts

Warm-weather for sure. Clandestine in some situations. Not a boundary pusher around textile types (although in textile areas my swimsuits can make up for that). Opportunistic within those boundaries.

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