Vegetarian, Vegan And Wanabees

A place to exchange recipes and ideas.

I am so excited to see that we have a naked vegan/veggie group here. I am a passionate vegan and love to cook. Which you tend to do when you are vegan because, where you gonna go out and eat anyway! LOL
There are so many great things we can post here but there is this one site that I have been loving and thought I would share.
They are a great resource and full of fantastic vegan/veggie recipes. Definitely check them out.

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RE: Hi Everyone!

I am so excited to see that we have a naked vegan/veggie group here. I am a passionate vegan and love to cook. Which you tend to do when you are vegan because, where you gonna go out and eat anyway! LOLThere are so many great things we can post here but there is this one site that I have been loving and thought I would share.https://onegreenplanet.orgThey are a great resource and full of fantastic vegan/veggie recipes. Definitely check them out.#GoVegan!Welcome! Sadly, it's a quiet group.

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RE: Hi Everyone!

We can change that. Most of the groups here are quiet and I think its the way the notifications work. But we can give it a shot!

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RE: Hi Everyone!

So its still quite. How do you get people chatting?

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RE: Hi Everyone!

Well I've just joined the group, thank you, having fought through 420 other groups to find it! My wife and I have been naturists for over 40 years (married nearly 42) and vegetarian for 36 years. To us the two things go hand in hand, no clothes, no meat, perfect! On the other hand, while our two sons are vegan (one in California and one in Holland) we do love our cheese. Sorry if that offends. Looking forward to getting some sort of reaction and discussing the merits of a meat free diet (there are so many!).

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RE: Hi Everyone!

I've been vegan only briefly, at a time when my partner was ill, and needing massive amounts of foods like raw eggs and powdered milk to keep his weight up to stay alive. Going vegan was the simplest way to avoid just eating what he ate, which of course for someone who's planning to live a good long while yet is not a sound diet. Apart from that interval I've always eaten at least some dairy. Growing up around farms, I always felt comfortable with the process of extracting milk from an animal, but not with the process of extracting meat - so it kinda starts there.

I'm now at a time of life when my weight seems to drop unless I pay attention to it; my go-to calorie source, after olive oil, is yogurt made with half-and-half (for those not USA, that's half milk, half cream, about 16% butterfat) - and it makes great, dense yogurt.

I used to think people didn't really differ very much in their dietary needs, just in their habits and attitudes. But as I've watched my own needs change, I no longer think that.

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