Videos On TN

Hello, this is a group for all members who have videos on tn. Join it....

What is up with the members of this group?

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I was just taking a look, and most of the members of this group do not have any videos posted! Maybe the name of this group should be "Voyeurs who want to look at posted videos".

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RE: What is up with the members of this group?

Yeah, I just joined a few minutes ago. A (necessarily brief, for now) spot check turned up the same thing. Nada!
BTW, yes, I've got videos.

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RE: What is up with the members of this group?

I have one and keep trying to upload another. It uploads OK but then has to be Converted. At that stage it dissapears. So maybe other members want to have vidios in their profiles but (like me) just can't get them there. It isn't for want of trying.

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RE: What is up with the members of this group?

I have a couple of videos posted, but have tried to post a couple of others and they never show up. Not sure what is going on.

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RE: What is up with the members of this group?

I have one posted.

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