Waco Texas Nudists

A group for nudists in Waco Texas to meet and hang out.

New Nonlanded club.

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I'm kind of jealous that other areas have some sort of club . I 've been trying to find some land to get something going but it's really not something I can do right now so I was curious how many folks around the Waco area would be interested in putting together a nonlanded club?

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RE: New Nonlanded club.

I somehow missed this thread until just now.
I would be interested but at this point don't think that my wife would unless we had met the prospective members previously (which has proven somewhat difficult to arrange). Did you have some specific ideas on how to proceed with this?

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RE: New Nonlanded club.

Not really other than the frame work: A social circle of like minded friends. At least a monthly meeting for pot luck dinners, games, movies and so on. Clothing optional until the group reaches a proper comfort level. Maybe organized camping trips to nudist camps, Lakes etc. Really it would be our group so everything would be a group decision.

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