Handicapped or Disabled Nudists

1000 Miles Nude

So last Sunday decided to go see my brother (non-nudist) and drop some stuff off at a mutual friend (also non-nudist). Left at dusk and took a t-shirt off as I left town and didn't put it back on till I had to (to get gas and water). The shirt I...

Lets chat about shared problems

Hi everyone, disability makes certain parts of life a bit harder and nudism is one of the. Naked parts of nude beaches are usually the most remote parts of beaches and are beyond me. If anybody wants to chat about these problems or anything else,...

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In 2013 I had an accident while working as a nude model leaving me with a spinal injury at the base of my neck, paralysis below there, severe muscle contractions and spasms and double incontinence. Before that, as well as being an artists'...

2 for one

I have two major medical conditions. One is Congestive Heart Failure, as a result of a viral infection. I am controlling it with medication and exercise. The other is called CMT(Carchot-Marie-Tooth) Neuropathy, a hereditary condition that causes...

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Hi everyone

Hi I would like to chat with you sometime. I have an increasingly common neurological disease, which now prevents me from visiting nudist resorts and therefore Im restricted to being a home nudist, I enjoy chatting on cam see my profile for details

Green Bay WI USA

My name is Neil from Green Bay Wisconsin and I have Asperger syndrome and I was born with extremely mild cerebral palsy please read my profile I would love to chat or get to know personally anyone

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Hi - New to truenudist

Hi All, I am new to truenudists. I searched for a group of disabled nudist to make friends with other disabled nudist. I have had to use crutches most of my life, as a child and as an adult. I have a spinal cord disorder, however, I never let my...

Anybody else with MS?

I just joined today and am just curious if anybody else in this group has MS? I was diagnosed with rrms in 2012

Retired and disabled veteran--I don't...

Hello all, I was a career army NCO, planning to retire at 30years of service when I was injured on duty in 1990. After 10 months in a military hospital I was forced to retire. All of my injuries were internal but a severe concussion caused a stroke...