RE: Erections?

That you get one is a fact. That you find the need to photographic yourself with one and post it for others to see, is pathetic. Really ... it's NO BIG DEAL (pun absolultely intended). Just keep it to yourself. ;-)

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RE: Erections?

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RE: Erections?

Erections? Oh yeah, I remember them.

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RE: Erections?

Yes Steelerectors and Scafolders get them all the time.

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RE: Erections?

If you get an erection at a nudist resort try to discretely cover it. It happened to me a couple of times at resorts, at which time I brought out a book (horror) till it went away. I don't think its the end of the world if it happens just make an effort to not show it off

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RE: Erections?

I'm new here and haven't seen any of these infamous picutres but I'm sure they are not the most attractive of things. Men should try to appeal to women as usual and not with their genitals in a sexually connotative manna. Adult higher erections are as you've said a vital part of "life sustenance"

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RE: Erections?

While I can see men making their erections their profile pictures snobbish and not the most appealing thing for women, I do wholeheartedly disagree that men should be required to cover it up every time it happens. It is a completely natural thing, sometimes not even associated with sexualarousal. I for one have one whenever I wake up in the morning, or get them throughout the day without looking at or thinking about anything sexual. It is normal and natural. Women have the advantage of no real noticeable changes associated with arousal, but does that mean that men should have to cover up when they get an erection? I hate to burst some of the women's bubbles, but just because you are around, and a man has an erection does not mean you are the one who caused it, or that he has "intentions" with you. If you do not like it, simply look away. Totally different story if he is acting on it (touching it, making inappropriate remarks, etc), but if he just has one, either enjoy the beauty of the human body, or look away.
Not exactly the topic that started the forum, as I agree men shouldn't necessarily have them in their profile pics, but the conversation seems to have veered towards erections in general, which is what I'm addressing.

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RE: Erections?

Erections? Yeah, I remember them.Baahahaha, leave it to you to make me laugh. Thank you.
I appreciate this thread and whole kindheartedly agree. I would pose similar thoughts to woman, challenging the women posing on this sight with seductive clothing and/or in provocative positions. C'mon. This is NOT a porn sight and although I am sure there are many pervs that appreciate... you are cheapening yourselves and truenudists.

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RE: Erections?

Erections? Yeah, I remember them.Baahahaha, leave it to you to make me laugh. Thank you.
I appreciate this thread and whole kindheartedly agree. I would pose similar thoughts to woman, challenging the women posing on this sight with seductive clothing and/or in provocative positions. C'mon. This is NOT a porn sight and although I am sure there are many pervs that appreciate... you are cheapening yourselves and truenudists.Glad to see you are still with us.

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RE: Erections?

BMWs in stiff trouble.
San Francisco resident Henry Wolf is suing BMW, claiming the companys bike gave him an unexpected, unwanted and ongoing erection lasting more than two years. Wolf specifically blames an after-market ridge-like seat mounted on his 1993 Beemer bike for causing an acute case of priapism a persistent, lasting erection according to a complaint filed in San Franciscos state court.

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