Being seen

We all know that lorry (truck) drivers, bus drivers and passengers and pedestrians can see down into our car. They can see we are truly naked. But usually we pass them so quickly that they only get a fleeting glimpse. Not so when held up in traffic. On Friday I was stuck in slow moving traffic on the A1 with a bus alongside me for a while. I know I was seen by the reactions of the passengers. I have taken to driving with my clothes out of reach. So I just had to grin and bare it. ;-)

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RE: Being seen

Me too Olly! I drive naked all the time and am sure I have been seen. One time on a major highway I was in slow moving traffic (not stop go, but slow), and a truck was along side me for an extended time. After a few minutes of this slow traffic, I heard a horn honk and looked over to see the trucker smiling and giving me a thumbs up signal. Then he held up his pants to show me he was nude as well. We continued on this path for about 5 miles when traffic loosened and we went our separate ways.

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RE: Being seen

I have been traveling for work quite a bit lately and it has all involved locations where the temperatures are above 100 deg-F. I have driven nude for most of these drives. All I do is simply keep my shorts within reach to cover my lap when I pass a truck/tall vehicle.
I do this here in town/Seattle as well. To get back home from the area where I live, I have to drive though the Univ. of Washington area. When it is rush hour, there will be pedestrians and bicyclists waiting at intersections. A few weeks ago, I was driving back home nude and got stuck at a very slow intersection. There was an attractive woman on a bicycle waiting for the light to change. Her bicycle was right near by vehicle and if she turned her head, she could see me. I think she did, as I glanced at her and she had a knowing look on her face. I made nothing of it and did not make eye contact. I drove away when the light changed. I have no problem with anyone seeing me nude. My concern is that some prude (female or male) will call the cops on me. It may not be a crime to drive nude, but you would still have to go to court to fight the charges after being arrested. No thanks.

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