My Outdoor Shower

Well, it has actually been up and running for just over two years, but I had some issues. First, I mounted the unit too high, so I took it down for the winter and then reinstalled it last year at the proper height. I also had issues with the drain. I initially used 3/16" rubber shower pan under the deck, but it only lasted a month before it ripped, and since the decking was now on, it would be a pain to replace. Last year, I finally bit the bullet (not financially, but physically) and bought a 1" thick rubber horse mat and installed it under the deck. That was TOUGH! Horse mats are very heavy and hard to maneuver, but it is working like a charm, and the water now drains out a pipe into the back yard.

I chose Lowe's Choicedeck for the decking, and an Aston unit for the shower. I also installed a hook for my wash clothe, but I found I have to clip a heavy lead weight to it, or the winds up here relocate my wash clothe to a different location in Colorado. I installed a verticle draining soap dish as well since it does rain here on occasion.

Please check out my photos on my personal page since not all of them were chosen for the pics here in the group. I can now wash nude outdoors with an awesome view of the eastern half of Grand Junction, Palisade and Clifton 2300 feet below me. What do you guys think?


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RE:My Outdoor Shower

That is truly a fantastic view while taking a shower outdoors! I envy ... I'm so jealous of the privacy!!! Great pics!

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RE:My Outdoor Shower

Awesome I have to finish ours

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RE:My Outdoor Shower

Finally got ours done about 2 months ago... Only had the pipes there for the past 3 years lol.. It's awesome haven't taken a shower inside since

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