CURT44319 you are certainly able to express your own opinion. In the end I also do not fully agree with you. If you listen to what I am saying it really is about the site being a better place by everyone sharing in the decision making process. The most powerful people in the world are those that share the power and are inclusive in designing and implementing guidelines. Ultimately "owners" are only as successful as their team members. This site will only be as successful as its members. Sharing, understanding, respect and learing to accept each other as valued members of the team will make this a better community. Thank you all.

Ausrat, I agree with you on this. The site owner does have the ultimate say on things on how things are done here. Ihave seen that he does pay attetion to what the members here say. That is one of the things I like about being here. He has posted forum threads informing us of projected changes and has asked for our opinions.

I see by your poste and from seeing you in chat that you have same values as a lot of us here. I came into chat as someone was giving Jen, the female half of Snugglebunny, problems and you were helping her in a non confrontational way. I haved been friends with both of them for over two years and they are great people.


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Chat room content - Distrurbing

While in the chat room over a couple of evenings (local time), there were a number of dicussions and remarks that were homophobic and intolerant of a non-christian religion. When I flagged this the mods, I felt I was brushed off.
This really bothers me. It is not a space that I feel comfortable in participating. I, quite frankly, have put up with enough discrimination and bigotry in my life, and don't have to pay to witness to more.
Mods - step up and warn/boot of those who persist in using homophobic and prejudicial terms, regardless of cultural context, to ensure a more safe and inclusive environment.

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I am glad you think of my issue as "pitiful." This is an international forum, not Australian. If it were Australian, maybe you should simply refund non-Aussies subscriptions. Apparently, discussions are in English and one one think there were a common platform for dialogue. It is apparent to me that you don't understand my concern. Language can be used for both inclusive and exclusive purposes. Simply putting down someone's concerns as "pitiful" is demeaning and demonstrates willful ignorance. As a gay, Muslim person of colour who strives hard to create an inclusive work place for my employees and contribute to my community to address issues of intolerance, I now realize that "within certain cultures" my concerns will always be entertained from me as a second class citizen. At least I know where the mods stand on perpetuating double standards and disrespect for cultural diversity. And from nudists, nonetheless.

This is indeed an international site. As such we should be understanding of all. English is the most common language but I have seen many languages in the chat room when some converse in their native tongue. I have learned a lot of the slang of other English speaking countries and have taught others some of our slang. I feel it is being small minded to be offended by something that is not meant to be offensive, is a slang word with a totally different meaning in that person's country.

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RE: Chat Mod FAQ's

Well said, Txag.

To all our Aussie friends an FYI - if an American says they're means we are angry NOT drunk! LMAO!!


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RE: Chat Room Moderator FAQS

Thanks for this. Regardless where you are from, there is a need to level the field of comfort. And moderation is supposed to deliver on that promise.

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RE: Chat Room Moderator FAQS

This is an international forum

Slang and/orcolloquialisms are common in most languages including English and due to the wide diaspora of English speakersvariesvery widely. You are Canadian as am I. You live in Alberta; I live in Ontario. Some differences in slang usage between us is probable. Newfoundlanders have a very rich usage of slang and colloquialisms, some of which you would not understand or would misinterpret yet we are all from the same country. Now consider the number of countries who speak English and the widevarianceof slang which is inevitable. An American would say soda when referring to a soft drinkwhereas a Canadian would likely say pop, which has a very different meaning in American slang. I am reminded of an occasion when my British father in law saw a man putting a large roast on the BBQ and blurted out ... "Look at the size of that man's joint" or when he would say "I'll knock you up in the morning", both of which have very different meanings to a Canadian. Slang is an integral part of speech and can vary by country, province/state, demographics of age,employment, ethnic origin or other factors. You use the term "gay" which is understood widely as referring to "homosexual" but there are still places where the word is meant to denote only "happy" or "carefree". Even "person of colour" would not be understood in many places. I see no disrespect for cultural diversity in a person using what to them is a commonplace andeverydayway to refer to a cigarette which is incidentally understood in many places besides Australia. If you had a problem with the term you could have simply asked for clarification which would probably have been politely given. In my opinion there was no intent to cause insult or offence to anyone.

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TXAG_1975 wrote....
I have learned a lot of the slang of other English speaking countries and have taught others some of our slang.
Yes, but did they realize that you're in the Republic of Texas, and not necessarily representative of the USA !?

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RE: Chat Room Moderator FAQS

The differing meaning of words in other nations is interesting.

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RE: Chat Room Moderator FAQS

Reminds of French Canadian friend who went to England to work on his English. Later he found himself working at a U.S. school. He once caught some kids smoking on school grounds. He made them clean up the area saying, "I don't want to see any fags here!"

He had to explain his comment to the principal...

As for whateversexuality, I'll always remember this deleted scene from a less-than-high quality movie:

"Here's my editorial for tomorrow: If you sleep with someone, you sleep with everyone that person ever slept with. Does that make you gay? YES! Yes, it does!"

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TXAG_1975 wrote.... I have learned a lot of the slang of other English speaking countries and have taught others some of our slang.
Yes, but did they realize that you're in the Republic of Texas, and not necessarily representative of the USA !?

LOL Curt, most of them do.


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