Winter adventures

Does the winter weather detract from your nude adventures? Or do you enjoy a quick walk on a snowy morning?

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RE:Winter adventures

Been lucky here in Pa cold but a lot of frezing rain more then snow I go outside in the am to enjoy some outdoor nudity most of the time I lastv10-15 min before I go in

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RE:Winter adventures

The snow brings new opportunities for a photo. I have set out in the snow, starting in front of my house (where I was caught by two ladies).

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RE:Winter adventures

A couple of pictures from a video at

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RE:Winter adventures

Yes, we're still nude at home most of the time in winter, but our outdoor nudism gets reduced a lot. The last couple of weeks have been snowy and freezing so clothing has been worn at home more in that time than we've probably worn it here over the last few years. But we've been naked here for the last few days and it feels great. Normally by March we've done a nude hike or spent an hour or two naked at the beach, but not this year. We've been to a few nude swim sessions and a nudist spa more this winter than we have done in the past, which is good as we want to continue a trend from recent years, which is spending more time nude than over the previous year. We've managed to do that for about the last ten years or so, we're going to have to make up for our recent clothed time to maintain that trend. So, any nudist social opportunities that come our way are likely to be taken up this year. We're long time nudists who still find that no matter how much time we spend naked its never enough.

The highlight of our winter nudism was a weekend at a nudist club celebrating a friend's significant birthday. She decided that she wanted to spend it nude with friends, so a group of us happily spent a weekend naked with her, lots of sauna and steam room time. This could become a more regular event as a few nudist friends have winter birthdays and like the thought of celebrating the whole day in their birthday suits.

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RE:Winter adventures

Too cold! Indoors with the heater only! As Bruce Willis says, I am a meat popsicle.

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RE:Winter adventures

In winter if there is little or no wind, I'm out with the dogs before sun up for a few minutes. Even if snowing, just flipflops. However rain will have me under an umbrella I keep by the door. Funny, I don't really feel cold until I start to dress for work!

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RE:Winter adventures

On a sunny windless day it can be quite warm even with snow underfoot. One of my first nude outdoor adventures was in early January. I'd stripped off for a walk in some woods and then drove home leaving my clothes in the woods. I know it was early January because, as I arrived home still naked, a neighbour came over to ask where she could dispose of her Christmas tree. It must have been the day after Twelfth Night.

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RE:Winter adventures

Last Thursday was particularly mild for this time of year, and I was surprised how many people took advantage and were out and about.

I did two trips to the bins and back, and that was enough for me. It wasn't cold, but it was cold enough for me to say no thanks.

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RE:Winter adventures

Hi all you lovely naked people, I remember one time I was driving back from Lincoln one night on the A57, it was about 3am in the morning full moon, and 9 degrees below, I pulled into a layby got out stripped naked and went for a walk around the field, the feeling was fantastic.

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RE:Winter adventures

Hi all you lovely naked people, I remember one time I was driving back from Lincoln one night on the A57, it was about 3am in the morning full moon, and 9 degrees below, I pulled into a layby got out stripped naked and went for a walk around the field, the feeling was fantastic.

-9???? You're mental :)

I am still managing to get my daily naked commute in though, because the heating is great in my car. Not only that, but the dark nights means I can relax more and not worry about being seen

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