Group Lobbies to Turn Delray, FL Beach Nudist - please vote

Group Lobbies To Turn Delray Beach Nudist

Please go to the survey in this story and vote your support for a nude beach in Delray Beach Florida.

Here is the wording of the survey:

Do you think a portion of Delray Beach should be set aside for a nude beach?

Yes. Naturists pay taxes and should be able to enjoy the beach in their own way.

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RE: Group Lobbies to Turn Delray, FL Beach Nudist - please vote

Thank you for posting this. I added my Yes vote.

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Group Lobbies to Turn Delray, FL Beach Nudist - please vote

I went to the web site and cast my vote but it did not seem to be tabulated. Let me know if there is a problem and I will re-vote when it is corrected. The Vice Mayor appears to be an idiot in that he equated the Town's budget with economic impact. His body language and the smirk on his face made him out to be a simpleton.

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RE: Group Lobbies to Turn Delray, FL Beach Nudist - please vote

I went a voted yes and it seems that the majority so far wants it also. Wish one was closer here to me on the West coast of Florida. Maybe one day.

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Voted Yes...

Even though a long way from me - the more sanctioned beaches we can get in place - the better the arguement to get them all over!

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Voted Yes...

I also voted yes. I wish there was a nudist beach on Gulf in Texas, the more places there are, the better chance of getting one here.

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RE: Group Lobbies to Turn Delray, FL Beach Nudist - please vote

Group Lobbies To Turn Delray Beach NudistPlease go to the survey in this story and vote your support for a nude beach in Delray Beach Florida. Here is the wording of the survey:Do you think a portion of Delray Beach should be set aside for a nude beach? Yes. Naturists pay taxes and should be able to enjoy the beach in their own way.

Currently at 72% for this media survey. Don't know if it will work, but I cast my YES.

Thanks Cheri!

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RE: Voted Yes...

Well I definitely added my YES vote especially as I have been nude on Delray beach more than once. I know Dave Armstrong and was part of the group that went nude on the beach last February. The police detained us and took the names and addresses of the people in our group

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RE: Voted Yes...

Added my "yes". 481 to 171 for. However, it is doubtful that the poll is going to have the merest impact. Internet-based polling is notoriously unreliable and is usually ignored by the people whom it purports to address. In this case, the opinions of people nationwide will not be considered by local gov leaders when their paychecks come from the wallets of the Delray citizens ... and textiles ... and voters.
Some of them MAY be bright enough to realize that the opinions of tourists should be considered. Although we may not vote there, we may make a decision on vacation location based on their decision. In this case, we vote with our money.

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Voted Yes..

Being nude should be an option to everyone to enjoy. Just thinking which condos are looking down. Give people the chance to complain, they will.

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RE: Voted Yes...

hopefully the community will see the $$$ value on revenue, delray florida isn't the most exciting town to visit been there many times or actually passed through there. this could bring tourist $$$ to their city.

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