Gloucestershire Gathering

Hi guys

I was thinking about setting up a gathering in the Gloucestershire area, maybe even Bristol. May be book a hotel room or something and just split the cost between everyone so it costs a few quid each. Just want to gauge the interest level before I go any further. It would naked beers, chat and general chill out.

Comment if you would be up for it. I might set up a private KIK group to arrange logistics for those who want to be involved.

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RE:Gloucestershire Gathering

I love naked social hangouts!
It would depend on when you do it and whether I am working or not.

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RE:Gloucestershire Gathering

I would love to be involved, but doubt I would be free, but if by chance I was, would be very keen to join you

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RE:Gloucestershire Gathering

would love to be involved :)

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RE:Gloucestershire Gathering

If are still planning anything now restrictions are being lifted keep me in mind

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RE:Gloucestershire Gathering

Im in Bristol, Id love to join a gathering.

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RE:Gloucestershire Gathering

Great to hear from a couple of people who would still be interested in a get together. I will look in to costs of a venue or some description. Just need a few more people to join in

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RE:Gloucestershire Gathering

Hi, I'm in Bristol also - would love to join in a gathering - keep me posted

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RE:Gloucestershire Gathering

I would love to be involved in a gathering keep me posted

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RE:Gloucestershire Gathering

Im llanelli. Interested but may be a bit far to travel unless im free all day. Keep me posted though..

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RE:Gloucestershire Gathering

Love honing in company - keep me in mind too.

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