Video Conference Wardrobe
What do you wear for a video conference?
Top: nothing, t shirt, collared polo, dress shirt.
Bottom: nothing, shorts slacks.
I wear t shirt or collared polo depending on the nature of the meeting and shorts.
Doesn't feel right to me to wear nothing below the waist when I have to wear a shirt.
When I had video conference meetings, I had 2 types. The first was a large group, where I was only there to watch a presentation by a company executive to a large portion of the company staff. For those, I didn't even bother to turn my video on, but I usually wore Jeans and a Polo shirt (minimum allowed work attire). For the second type of meeting, my video was usually off, but I occasionally would turn it on for some reason, and for those, I usually wore jeans and a polo shirt (once again, minimum allowed work attire). I wore the jeans in case I had to get up and move for some reason, as I didn't want to flash anyone from my work who might be on the video calls. Now, if I had anything on under the jeans and polo shirt might have been another question... :)
I'm in video conf. calls several times / week. I keep a white polo shirt at my desk for the purpose - and that's all.
We NEARLY had am embarrassing situation when Deb walked into the room once when I was on a call, didn't realize the camera was on, and I managed to stop her JUST outside camera range!
An acquaintance of mine mentioned that he rarely wear a shirt for video calls.
He keeps the camera focused on his face and if someone happens to see enough of his shoulders and upper chest to know he is shirtless, he doesn't care.
He is a semi-retired part time independent consultant so that probably gives him more freedom than a regular employee would have.
Back in the spring we had a phone conference every morning. As it was audio only I just filed in wearing my typical morning attire, my glasses. Well luck for me I was watching when it came up as it was a required video conference link. I grabbed the closest thing, a flannel shirt I keep in my man cave for cool mornings. So I guess that is my chosen attire for vid conferences, but I didnt have much to chose from. I was pretty certain I would be just sitting there but this one lady had to adjust something on a presentation she was doing. I am pretty sure she was wearing her company polo and hello kitty shorts! Knowing her, I suspect that was the case.
Have only had personal video conferences, doctor conferences and one close friend conference. With all, I have on a shirt; Hawaiian, polo or flannel and nothing else. For our close friend conference, we were naked, as were our friends on the other end of the video conference. We had a Naked Happy Hour video visit.
Not sure it really qualifies as a "video conf" but I have had numerous calls with the video turned off (for technical limitations) while completely nude while for others I have been clothed. The first time I was a bit nervous even though I couldn't be seen by co-workers.