Running Nude

Ive been an avid runner for most of my life and well before the idea of participating in nude recreation ever came to mind, I often thought about how unique it might feel to run naked. Nude running is far from a modernconcept. In ancient Greece where athletic exercise played an important part of daily life it is believed that in the city-state of Sparta the custom of exercising naked was first introduced. From there it spread to the whole of Greece, and the athletes from all its parts, coming together for the Olympic Games and the other Panhellenic Games, competed naked in almost all disciplines not just the foot race events. Im looking forward to participating in my first nude run next month at a nearby nudist resort and am anxious to experience what is truly is like to run naked.

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RE: Running Nude

Well I have tried running nude and horseriding nude and I can say with confidence - a pair of 36DD's are a real drawback ! (.)(.) (')(') (.)(.)

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RE: Running Nude

Yes, I expect for the obvious reasons, nude running is likely a more doable proposition for men.

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RE: Running Nude

Try the beach at Holkham for this fun event. It is large and spacious. The feeling of complete freedom is so liberating.

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RE: Running Nude

Running or jogging nude is very nice, I've done it many times. It was possible at a jogging track close to home, at least at the major part of the track. I used to take a jogging tour early in the mornings, just so great a sunny summers day. But using suitable jogging shoes is a must.

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RE: Running Nude

Well I finally did have the opportunity to experience first hand the joy of nude running during my firstvisit to a nudist resort. It was fabulous and if anything even better than I had imagined it might be. I took time for a half hour run on each of the two daysI was there. While running today back at home, I disliked having to run clothed again.

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RE: Running Nude

I'm not a "runner" by any stretch of the imagination, but I do love to workout. Each time I've been to the resort, no exercise equipment, I take the opportunity to run/jog/walk the perimeter of the resort at least one occasion. It really is exhilarating. So much better nude than in workout clothes.

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RE: Running Nude

Well I have tried running nude and horseriding nude and I can say with confidence - a pair of 36DD's are a real drawback ! (.)(.) (')(') (.)(.) Well I'm not as blessed as u lol, but I totally agree with u about running nude. Hurts mine too. Iv been known to hold them if im jogging back to the house lol. As for riding, I have done that many times nude and its great. U just have to go slow, walking the horse basically or a slow trot. But it's probably harder for u being so blessed up top. If u really luv riding like I do though, try walking the horse and doing a slow trot.
Nude horse riding sounds awesome, ( vaguely remember doing it once, as a kid for a dare) but I'm soooooo glad that I'm a guy, we just don't know how lucky we are!


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RE: Running Nude

While running with 36DD's may be difficult, it is not exactly a simple process being a male, neither.

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RE: Running Nude

I'm not a runner either but weight training and yoga is best done nude...I find it helpful when working particular regions of the body

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RE: Running Nude

running nude for me is not as much a problem as the ladies, but having support for the genitals has always been my goal in life. finding the perfect support.

and now that I like to enjoymyself without clothes, there are still activities that I would prefer to have clothing on for, and running and jumping areound is a few.

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