Whats it like having a big dick? - AskReddit

A Reddit post thats relevant to this group. If nothing else, the most upvoted responses are an interesting read. There arent any large-scale studies or polls about this sort of thing, so something like this is as close as we can get to a wide study with over 12,000 responses.


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RE:Whats it like having a big dick? - AskReddit

Watch what you wish for! A different sexual position isn't sometimes the answer depending on girth. I dated a gal who weighed in at 87 pounds and we couldn't make it work very well with her tightness. And believe me, we tried a lot and in every position we could come up with. It got bad enough that she asked me if I'd be interested in doing her roommate, a woman who could take on any size hard man and for a long time - we heard her in her bedroom all the time and with many different men and no one left without empty balls as far as we could tell. She would often tell us all the details once he had left and she was drunk. I was more of a gentlemen back in those days so I did not take the offer seriously; now I do have some regret for never taking that dip. I think my girlfriend wanted to make me happy by any means necessary. Doing her roommate might've taken care of my sexual needs, but what do you do once the orgasms are over? Go back to the gf's bedroom and cuddle up with her and tell her about it? That seems cruel from here. Young&dumb&full of cum I might have been, but even at that age I knew that situation would end up ugly. Our relationship did die not long after that offer of her roommate, not surprisingly.

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RE:Whats it like having a big dick? - AskReddit

Yeah its a lot of good discussion there. And its been an interesting topic, that is wide. Because there are so many different sizes out there. Length and Width. And I saw the shower vs grower thing come up here and there. Grower myself
For me its not a problem in my pants. Unless Im running or jumping, cuz I have big balls. Its more of a problem of length. Mine is definitely not too thick for most girls, unless were talking that 87lb tight girl lol. But instead its too long. Which makes it Very difficult to find condoms that long enough that stay on me. So in closing. There are a good Many pluses and minuses to having a large penis. But I dont think 3/4 are ever talked about.
I know that growing up, I never minded being so big. Girls loved it! Or were afraid of it; which only made me more confident somehow lol. I mean, the amount of BJs I got was insane.
But now its just another part of me. Something I live with and dont really think about. So yes, I have a big dick. But its not Who I am.

Thank you for listening to my TedTalk

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RE:Whats it like having a big dick? - AskReddit

yeah always i get audience at urinal - i dont even pay it no mind is just my life - lmbao

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RE:Whats it like having a big dick? - AskReddit

yeah always i get audience at urinal - i dont even pay it no mind is just my life - lmbao

haha me2

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RE:Whats it like having a big dick? - AskReddit

Me too. Mostly because I have a ruler tat on the side of my cock and guys be looking at it wanting to know how true to measure it is. For me, big difference between soft and hard.

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RE:Whats it like having a big dick? - AskReddit

It has its pros and cons just like anything else. Welcomed attention and compliments but as someone said in another response, can create difficulties when in the bed with a loved one. It is not a one size fits all type of thing. But all in all I believe in loving what you where born with no matter how big or small. Appreciate your body and its capabilities.

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RE:Whats it like having a big dick? - AskReddit

Me too. Mostly because I have a ruler tat on the side of my cock and guys be looking at it wanting to know how true to measure it is. For me, big difference between soft and hard.

I also have a big difference between soft and hard. I don't have a ruler tat, I do have a dick tattoo that is designed to "grow" when I get erect. I do enjoy when people ask, what does it look like hard, and they get to see it grow.

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RE:Whats it like having a big dick? - AskReddit

I like all the attention my dick gets. I have seen and played with all sizes but for my taste 7 inches is perfect. A little above average but not a monster you have to put over your shoulder and burp. I did hook up with a guy who had a monster dick. Fun to look at but difficult to play with. He told me growing up his older brother would charge guys to see his dick. Charged more to see it hard. LOL We did end up frotting

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RE:Whats it like having a big dick? - AskReddit


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RE:Whats it like having a big dick? - AskReddit

yeah always i get audience at urinal - i dont even pay it no mind is just my life - lmbao


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