Christmas Eve Gathering

Hey group.
I'd like to have a get together Dec 24th from 6-9pm for those without any plans. Food and hors d'oeuvres to be served. If interested, let me know and I can send you more details

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RE:Christmas Eve Gathering

Sounds fun! Wish we could make it, but we have family coming over that evening. Hope to hear all about it.

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RE:Christmas Eve Gathering

I am not sure, as of yet, if I am available. I have my son this weekend, but not sure if he will spend Christmas eve with me, his mother, or his friends. I hope to know by tomorrow. Out of curiosity, will this be a nude gathering?

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RE:Christmas Eve Gathering

Thats really great of you to make this offer. Unfortunately, I have family coming over.
Should you ever want to host another nude get together, say , during the long winter months, let me know. Im sure we could arrange a pot luck.
Happy Holidays!

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RE:Christmas Eve Gathering

I hope your Christmas Eve gathering went well!

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