First hike this year

Yesterday was a beautiful spring day in southwestern Michigan. I got a short clothes free hike in the local state game area. Went out early afternoon before the mushroom hunters were out after work. I looked to but not luck, to dry.

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RE:First hike this year

You are a brave soul. I live in Vermont still some snow hanging around, and kind of cool. Few more weeks and it should be good weather for nude hiking

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RE:First hike this year

It too cold and snowy at home be outside naked much less hike naked, so I hit the road. Four days in Death Valley National Park -- four naked hikes. However, yesterday was 92, which was the upper limit for my winter acclimatized body.

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RE:First hike this year

Yesterday was a beautiful spring day in southwestern Michigan. I got a short clothes free hike in the local state game area. Went out early afternoon before the mushroom hunters were out after work. I looked to but not luck, to dry.

To bad I'm not closer, love to join you on a naked hike.

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