RE: Sex outside of traditional Marriage!

I think before we go too far in monotonously debating whether this sex or that sex is legal or not, we should ask these things first: Does it glorify or disgrace God? Does it hurt your spouse, parents or children? Does it bring blessing to others or endangering their life and peace? Does it negate us from giving our best to people around us? Since I believe that following Christ is definitely about giving our life and love for God and others instead of satisfying our personal views, desires and agendas; it is mandatory to put ourselves in others' shoes first, including God's.

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RE: Sex outside of traditional Marriage!

I'm with Piper. This is clear Biblical teaching.
Polygamy is clearly seen in Scripture as a deviant form of marriage:
1. Jesus upholds one man, one woman marriage as ideal (Mark 10:6-9)
2. Polygamy's first appearance is associated with violence (Genesis 4:23-24)
Remember: accounts of Solomon, etc., are irrelevant because they are descriptivenot necessarily normative that is, a norm or standard to be followed.

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RE: Sex outside of traditional Marriage!

I will support and advocate for the NON-SEXUAL nudist lifestyle until I'm dead and in my grave! To think otherwise just pollutes the lifestyle.Just my honest opinion ...always WILL be.~~ Diane

I disagree with the idea that sex pollutes. Sex is not pollution. It
is a beautiful, human, and most importantly, *completely normal*
expression of human sexuality. I don't see how the belief that sex is
pollution can be defended Biblically as we have a whole book of the
Bible that sings the praises of romance and celebrates human sexuality.

That's not to say that anyone should be able to have sex
anywhere at any time. That's not true among textiles and doesn't need
to be true among nudists. We don't have to be puritans or puritanical.
It doesn't hurt our cause to acknowledge that nudists are people and
therefore in possession of a sexual nature.
I also don't accept this narrow "traditional" definition of marriage but that's a whole other thread.

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