Capital Shooting, Oct. 3

Still confused about the details. Supposedly this woman rammed a barricade, but pictures of her car afterwards show a front end in pristine condition. Did she ram it in reverse?

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RE: Capital Shooting, Oct. 3


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RE: Capital Shooting, Oct. 3

Attempted isn't the way it's been stated. Reports clearly said she rammed the barricade. Something about this story doesn't add up.....her vehicle comes to a stop, no weapon visible, THEN the cops unload on her. One cruiser has it's side almost completely ripped off by colliding with a barricade.....the damage is unbelievable. The whole thing is beginning to look like a horrendous over-reaction on the cop's part.

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RE: Capital Shooting, Oct. 3

From what I've seen, it's a real sad story. She fought with post-partum depression and possibly other mental afflictions; she had been hospitalized for mental illness. She out-maneuvered cops with her driving ability-maybe they need to drive Infinity's. As far as shooting her-well, she was clearly a danger and turned the car into a weapon. What's more, there was a child in the car and gunshots had to be precise.Yet another indication that our mental health system is lacking common sense measures in favor of personal 'rights'. Only this time, a car was used-not a gun.Agree with all of the above, but what puzzles me was the deadly force used after the vehicle came to a stop and was no longer a threat. Is pouring lead into a car at the conclusion of a high speed chase SOP? Or would she be still alive had this happened away from a highly visible potential target?

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RE: Capital Shooting, Oct. 3

Uhoh, I bet she knew who really killed JFK and "THEY" had to silence her.

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RE: Capital Shooting, Oct. 3

We know prime concern at all times is security,but from what I have seen,there was no need to shoot her. They overreacted.

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RE: Capital Shooting, Oct. 3

I believe that there was an over reaction by the police. What's really strange to me is that Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and others haven't jumped into the controversy to condemn the shooting.

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RE: Capital Shooting, Oct. 3

In a country where so many carry guns (for personal defence) surely you cant argue that in this, or any case, the authorities are not right to shoot to kill? After all the reason for any shooting is to kill something? And if she was not dead or incapacitated then surely the authorities would be right to continue shooting?As for the poor innocent child, well maybe he/she will get to vote one day and decide that maybe gun proliferation is not such a good thing after all!

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RE: Capital Shooting, Oct. 3

I believe that there was an over reaction by the police. What's really strange to me is that Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and others haven't jumped into the controversy to condemn the shooting.One key ingredient is missing. The Capital Police are in the employ of Dear Leader.

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RE: Capital Shooting, Oct. 3

In a country where so many carry guns (for personal defence) surely you cant argue that in this, or any case, the authorities are not right to shoot to kill? After all the reason for any shooting is to kill something? And if she was not dead or incapacitated then surely the authorities would be right to continue shooting?As for the poor innocent child, well maybe he/she will get to vote one day and decide that maybe gun proliferation is not such a good thing after all!Things haven't degenerated enough to shoot on the POSSIBILITY someone may be armed. Not yet, anyway.

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RE: Capital Shooting, Oct. 3

The main problem is,security personnel are insufficiantly trained when it come to using one's initiative with regards to fast reaction in life threatening situations.

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