How to manage friend requests that have accumulated

I have about 9 friend requests that I have just ignored, going back to May of 2009. It was guys that just struck me wrong and who didn't send a message with the request. Is there a way to get rid of those, without clicking deny? If I deny, do they get a message back saying it was denied?

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RE: How to manage friend requests that have accumulated

no idea if they get a message to be denied but i do know the only way to "delet" them is denying , you dont recive a "accept" message so i asume the same for the deny isue.

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RE: How to manage friend requests that have accumulated

Thanks! You guys are quick! I'll probably delete the old ones, leave the recent ones.

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RE: How to manage friend requests that have accumulated

I have about 9 friend requests that I have just ignored, going back to May of 2009. It was guys that just struck me wrong and who didn't send a message with the request. Is there a way to get rid of those, without clicking deny? If I deny, do they get a message back saying it was denied?
Pretty sure they are not notified. The chances are, that most of them forget who they invited,
about two seconds after they hit the invite button anyway. That's why, I think, that the girls get
so many repeats, we need something to show that a request has already been sent.

They probably invited a whole bunch at the same time, so even if you deny them straight away,
most still would not realise. Sitting on invites is annoying, because you have to click on your invites
to if there is a new one. I would only sit on an invite if someone started to send multiple repeat invites,
then you'd have to leave it there for a while to block them.


See also:

How Do You Handle Friend's Requests?

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RE: How to manage friend requests that have accumulated

The only way that they are notified is if you send them a polite message saying why you denied them. I do that sometimes. A lot of times they write back, we chat back and forthand we eventually become friends.
Then there are also those that I have denied repeatedly. You'd think they'd get the hint. Where is that ignore button?

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RE: How to manage friend requests that have accumulated

What I'll do, if someone reapeatedly requests us to be friends, multiple times, whereas we're denying them, for whatever reason, is to write a quick PM to them asking them to stop requesting. Works most of the time, but as mentioned above, after some time they forget and may start again. But most will honor a short request on a PM and not bother you again.

Same in the chat room now with PVT messages, they'll say hi, we'll say hi, then when they don't say anything else, I'll ask, "What can I do for you, you contacted me...." and they disappear once put on the spot

Kinda like calling someone on the phone and not saying anything....if ya got something to say, fine, but if not, don't PVT message us just to say hi, say it in open chat....


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RE: How to manage friend requests that have accumulated

If someone has a profile that is less than acceptable to me, I deny them. I have denied people who have nothing in their profiles as well. Some times it does get a little old. People need to think before they think before they click "add as friend."

It's soooo easy to add a note when you want to add a friend; it's almost an insult to just have a friend request out of the blue.

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RE: How to manage friend requests that have accumulated

If someone has a profile that is less than acceptable to me, I deny them. I have denied people who have nothing in their profiles as well. Some times it does get a little old. People need to think before they think before they click "add as friend."It's soooo easy to add a note when you want to add a friend; it's almost an insult to just have a friend request out of the blue.

You're so correct on that...most little notes take all of 5 seconds. Takes longer to type in the verification code, lol!

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RE: How to manage friend requests that have accumulated

Thanks! You guys are quick! I'll probably delete the old ones, leave the recent ones.Gator1

That's the way to go, deny the old ones and leave the recent ones. That would stop the repeat requests. The old ones have forgotten about you.
I have a slew of old friend requests. I think I will put this recommendation to practice.

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RE: How to manage friend requests that have accumulated

Hi gator... how about if you invite me, and I deny you, then you'll know for sureif you geta message (Don't take the denial personally - this is for research only!) Like others here, if I deny a request I tend to follow it up with a message explaining why

We followed up on this, and I did not receive a notice of denial.

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RE: How to manage friend requests that have accumulated

it's almost an insult to just have a friend request out of the blue.
Or a compliment, but that does depend on the motives of the requestor, which we can't really know without a note of some sort I suppose.
On the other hand, I may send a request to you if we've interacted on the forums, or you simply pen things that impress me, without a specific note.

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