RE: Site Not Helpful For Finding Friends

I really don't understand the obsession with photos.-snip- The naturist lifestyle isn't about photo sharing nomore so than it is about swinging or hooking up. Pictures of meposing on a bed, in front of a bathroom mirror, etc., would bestupid, and they would not depict the lifestyle or beliefsystem.
Thank you. I was beginning to think I was the only nudist on the
web that thinks this way. Seems to me, the primary purpose of a
profile photo is so people can recognize you when they meet you.
And people in general, nudists included, recognize each other by
their face, and, less reliably, by overall body form. Not
genitalia. There's certainly nothing wrong with incidental
depiction of genitalia in photos but, I agree with you, I don't see
the point of focusing on it anymore than an ear or an elbow or a
belly button. It's just another body part that serves no purpose in
recognition. Granted, photos showing you engaged in a hobby or
other interest might be helpful in letting people know who you are.
Especially people who won't read the "My Interests" section.

As far as the red flag issue, forum readers should know by now that
your profile is not a fake. No fake would put as much effort into
posting legitimate messages as you do. However, only a small
percentage of the TN membership reads the forums. Sometimes I
wonder if the larger percentage reads anything at all. I think they
just look at pictures. lol! And since the one thing all fake profiles
have in common is photos of anyone but themselves, eventually,
profile photos from the web have become a red flag, even when
they're posted to a legitimate profile. So I think you made a
good move by getting rid of them.

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RE: Site Not Helpful For Finding Friends

The point that I and others are trying to make is those pictures donot belong to you and you do not have permission from the people inthose pictures to use on your profile.If you can not, see that it is wrong, then perhaps this is thereason you are finding it difficult to make friends.I guess I look at things from an Internet marketing/webmaster point of view. If people don't want their pictures shared, they would watermark and/or copyright them. Some might not ever even post them online for privacy reasons, and I think a lot of people on this site are that way. They live the lifestyle and believe in it, and they are no less naturist just because they don't post photos of themselves. They just value their privacy and security especially online. The opposite of which, of course, is to post photos of oneself naked anywhere and everywhere online. If people do that, I don't think they mind if the photos are used by others. This is evidenced by the thousands of photos in the gallery section, although many of those are pilfered from other sites. Again, if the webmasters or owners didn't want the photos to be shared, they wouldn't release them.
Anyway, posting more, less or no photos doesn't make anyone more or less a naturist; it seems to me.

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