RE:INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to the group

Hello, I'm Jeff, from Upstate NY. I'm nude as often as possible, the climate in NY is sometimes very unforgiving to nudists. I've been a social nudist for about 12 years now. Please feel free to reach out to me if you're in the area.

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RE:INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to the group

Hello, I'm Jeff, from Upstate NY. I'm nude as often as possible, the climate in NY is sometimes very unforgiving to nudists. I've been a social nudist for about 12 years now. Please feel free to reach out to me if you're in the area.

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RE:INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to the group

Hi Jessica its me John from Washington. We chatted earlier today.

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RE:INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to the group

Hi I'm from NZ I am 76 and an active Naturalist/Nudist limited to home and back yard[small] as there are no place to go in my area, even throughout NZ it is limited and most NZer's treat nudists as having a dirty habit so very few are gae to expose themselves online as having that lifestyle.
That is the reason for obtaining friends online offshore to talk to and share information, in my case I only have a few friends who visit and disrobe.

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RE:INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to the group

Hi I'm from NZ I am 76 and an active Naturalist/Nudist limited to home and back yard[small] as there are no place to go in my area, even throughout NZ it is limited and most NZer's treat nudists as having a dirty habit so very few are gae to expose themselves online as having that lifestyle.That is the reason for obtaining friends online offshore to talk to and share information, in my case I only have a few friends who visit and disrobe.

Doesn't NZ have a nude rugby team?
How does that fit into a society thatvhas little tolerance for nudity?

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RE:INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to the group


Im Matt. I just recently started making daily time to be in the buff. I am starting to look into more established groups surrounding nude nonsexual spaces and vacations surrounding that.

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RE:INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to the group

Hi I am DAndre. Im 27, gay, Married. I look forward to getting to know everyone in the group.

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RE:INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to the group

Once again I'd like to remind all new members to please use this thread to introduce yourselves in.
It needn't be your full life history but something about yourself and your reasons behind joining our group would be nice.

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RE:INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to the group

Hi all

Norwegian naturist here. Average sized, I think my self. Fascinated by you large guys, and interesting to hear about the matter!

Stay nude :)

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RE:INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to the group

hi there, I am a 42yo reasobly fit nudist guy from Melbourne Australia.
i consider myself bisexual as i enjoy nudity and sex With both..and recently also couples. i have been visiting nudebaches since my early 20's and have met several friends there over the years.
i am 7'' uncut myself but have from an early age been very fascinated With those who are bigger and thicker than me...

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