Nudist Outdoor Adventures

IF YOU WANT TO JOIN THE GROUP, YOU NEED A DETAILED PROFILE AND SOME PICTURES , NAKED PICS ARE A PLUS. If you keep a private profile, email me. I need to be able to see your profile. Sorry, too many weirdos out there.I will keep this group going. I do enjoy being outdoors! I dont get to be naked as much as I would like. But we are all here bc of one commonality, we like to be naked. I very much...

Nude gardening day

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Was great being outdoors today after the storms passed.

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RE:Nude gardening day

Good luck to you my friend, but Naked Gardening Day doesnt mean much in Southern Latitudes, unless of course youre fond of hyperthermia . lol
Stay nude stay safe my friend.

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RE:Nude gardening day

rainy day but managed to plant a banana tree but most excited about the right side of my front yard and all the grass sprouting up :) yeah can't go nude up front but do some taking out garbage and mail. all my trees and scrubs out back make that my nudist Eden.

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RE:Nude gardening day

We weren't home for NGD but took advantage of the better weather the following day. Not much gardening going on here but still lots of landscape maintenance to do and it's almost always done nude. Only time we don't is when it has to be done and it's really cold out.

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RE:Nude gardening day

Im a little late but Im working on growing an avocado tree and apple tree again. My last ones died when we moved. So hopefully these make it. lol Im not ver good at gardening.

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RE:Nude gardening day

Not really gardening but I did mow the backyard nude yesterday while my wife watched me.

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RE:Nude gardening day

Do you usually mow your backyard nude?

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RE:Nude gardening day

My nude gardening days have been pretty much every day as of late. The small garden patch, the raised bed and pot collection have been getting daily attention. So as a default, I was nude gardening on Nude Gardening Day. Anyway, the zucchini, chayote squash, tomatoes & peppers have all been doing well. I am using Neem oil spray for bug control and hope it works. Ive fed lots of worms the past few years so maybe this stuff will work. Otherwise, its all good. Well hope for the same in the near future.

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