Florida Nudists

This group is for all nudists in Florida to meet and share information on their lives, loves, and happiness.

Last Sunday my wife, dog, and I went to Fort De Soto Beach for a picnic. The picnic table was in the shade and about 20 yards from the shoreline. Three middle aged women were getting set up on the beach at the same time we were setting up our table. I heard them talking and told my wife it sounded like Polish. A few minutes later one of the women went topless. Remarked to my wife they are Europeans.

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RE:Fort De Soto

Had a similar experience at Honeymoon State Park a last year, a German couple, probably in their 50's, stripped down to nothing and laid down. Park Ranger came over told them to please put their clothes back on, which they did, but not without telling the Ranger what a bunch of prudes Americans are!

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RE:Fort De Soto

Interesting story. From various sources it seems Florida law enforcement doesnt want to be bothered by enforcing laws which can be used against public nudity unless there is a specific complaint, especially regarding sexual activity. Priorities and budgets are applied to more pressing problems.

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