Florida Panhandle Nudists

**Note: Read the rules **A place for nudists (couples, females & males) who enjoy being nude in the Florida panhandle, to get to know one another and to enjoy sharing those times through stories and photos. It doesn't matter if you're on the beach, at the house or out in the woods...it's all about enjoying this beautiful area. We want this to be all inclusive and clean. Please keep...

Fall is here . . . but its still 90F!!

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The next season has arrived, like yesterday but its still 91F outside right now at 4PM. Wow, its hard to believe that summer is officially over even though football has been on for a couple of weeks. Our nude time has not diminished but were forecast to be in the mid 80s next week. Closing the pool is on the horizon too, maybe a month or so. Actually, I could do with a little respite from the heat for a while. . . maybe even enjoy it. Ive got about 5 or 6 big trash piles to burn and have resisted because of the heat, maybe next week will be a good time. Anybody else planning for cooler weather?

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RE:Fall is here . . . but its still 90F!!

Oh yes! If cooler weather ever hits San Antonio! It is 101F here and feels hotter. Its 4:25pm. Our summer goes on into October typically. And whenever it finally gets a bit cooler, yard work begins. Mary Anne on behalf of froggynFrogett

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RE:Fall is here . . . but its still 90F!!

52 here in Pennsylvania a chilly rainy day

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RE:Fall is here . . . but its still 90F!!

We haven't been over 100 in more than a week but the daytime heat never bothers me much anyway. At night though, it's still not cool enough for tent camping. Or at least sleeping. And we're still under a burn ban over here. Long time since we've had any rain. Everything is drying up and dying. Including huge patches of grass, large shrubs, and some full grown Leyland cypress I planted 20 years ago. I'm ready for sittn' around a bonfire but we're gonna need a little ran around here first.

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