Florida Panhandle Nudists

**Note: Read the rules **A place for nudists (couples, females & males) who enjoy being nude in the Florida panhandle, to get to know one another and to enjoy sharing those times through stories and photos. It doesn't matter if you're on the beach, at the house or out in the woods...it's all about enjoying this beautiful area. We want this to be all inclusive and clean. Please keep...

What did you fish out of the pool today?

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It happens to me on almost a daily basis; theres something floating, diving or swimming in the pool most every day. My pool is not screen enclosed and is, unfortunately, very near the tree line. Consequently, I find an assortment of critters, some moving & some not, in the pool. They didnt even have the good sense to take Christmas off! Anyway, my 6AM pool check saw a lost toad & two centipedes scattered amongst the leaves on the surface. Thus, my nude foray of the morning was to rescue all said creatures. Only the toad made a minimal escape effort while the others just treaded water, literally. A quick scoop with the dip net and all were rescued. There was, thankfully, no need for resuscitation efforts, not that I was even going to try! Wouldnt that have been a spectacle. The pool is now relatively clean and I am back enjoying my coffee. Anyone else care to share their unauthorized visits to the pool? Jump in!!

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RE:What did you fish out of the pool today?

Sadly I had to dismantle my pool as it was over the septic tank, but when it was up all I had to remove was leaves.

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RE:What did you fish out of the pool today?

I no longer have a pool but I did when I lived in Lakeland, FL. It was in a screened enclosure attached to the house but had regular visits by outsiders anyway. Over the years I had numerous frogs, a few snakes, and an assortment of bugs and other smallish critters. All thanks to raccoons who routinely ripped open the screen to get in for their midnight swims. And they weren't quiet about it either. They'd splash and fight and make enough racket to wake up some of my neighbors, at which point I'd get up and let the dogs out, and they'd crash the party and make sure ALL the neighbors were awake lol! But then it would take me a couple of weeks to get around to fixing the screen, and by then all manner of other critters would find their way in. Including birds that couldn't find their way back out again. Then the raccoons would come back and start the whole thing all over again. I was always concerned about a gator showing up but, fortunately, never happened. I loved having that pool though. It was a lot of trouble but worth every bit of it.

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RE:What did you fish out of the pool today?

I have had screens in the past that were continually getting torn up by my dogs. I even had one literally dig & eat his way through the screen. After a few different efforts to stop the destruction, I found *hardware cloth* at the local old style hardware store. Hardware cloth is a smaller gauge galvanized wire woven in a mesh. Youve probably seen it & know of it. I use the small opening (about 1/4 in) and affix it to the frame with wood screws & flat washers. It has worked well for years. If anyone out there is having a similar problem, you might want to check into the stuff, it does work.

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