This is a group for men who enjoy Freeballing, going Commando, oh heck, just plain not wearing underwear! It is an un-necessary piece of very restrictive clothing. When we are nude, our equipment hangs free, why not when we are dressed! Share experiences and stories about your times freeballing, and how you got started.

Oregon or Vermont

Taking all things into consideration, (legality of nudity, political climate, social acceptability of nudity, weather, seasons, cost of living, etc.), which is the better place to live, Oregon or Vermont? In either case, we're talking well out...

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Is this freeballing

I sometimes wear gym shorts under sweats when working outside, In cold weather, it helps keep me warm. When temperatures are just a little cool, it enables me to drop the sweats and just wear the shorts when it warms up. I am wearing 2 layers, but...


Who invented underwear anyway? What a needless, useless item!


A couple on nights ago I had a dream that I came indoors and took my shirt and trousers off and, found I had pants on which I haven't had on at all for over three years so has anybody had a dream like this who is 100% commando.

Female Perspective

Recently read an article written by a young woman. It appeared on a textile site so there werent any frontal photos, but all of them suggested she was nude. It was refreshing to read the honesty about the sensations she feels. Women dont often share...

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The Idea Of Freeballing vs Actual Freeballing

Why is it that the idea of freeballing is always a bit weird but when you actually do freeball, it feels just right and you wonder why you don't do it more often ? I'm very much a part time freeballer mainly at weekends and on holiday but...

Just curious about others exp frerballing..

I have not had not worn a pair of underwear since I was 16 yrs old, and I do not see any reason that this will change. At what age did you begin going without underwear?

Short kilts and wraps

A lot has been said about freeballing in short shorts. But how about kilts? The only proper way to wear a kilt is freeballing. Then see how short a kilt you can get away with. My shortest are 12 inches (30 cm) from waist to hem. I have gone into...

Which Came First

Being a nudist or freeballing? Did you first stop wearing underwear at least most of the time and then decide why wear anything when I don't have to? Or did you first go nude when you could and still wear underwear when dressed and later decide...

Work home visits and been commando.

I started a new part time job (currently more near full time) going around peoples properties fitting LED bulbs to help them save electery and the uniform trousers are a bit on the tight side so my bulge shows but I don't think anybody has...