This is a group for men who enjoy Freeballing, going Commando, oh heck, just plain not wearing underwear! It is an un-necessary piece of very restrictive clothing. When we are nude, our equipment hangs free, why not when we are dressed! Share experiences and stories about your times freeballing, and how you got started.

commando and barefoot

In a way, whenever I can't be naked, at least I try to find some fun substitutes. I've been commando for some 20 years now. Around that time I gave up socks as well. Another thing is that I love to be barefoot, even in the street, shops,...

Pictures in this group

Nobody here post pictures freeballing? I have some on mine... some body else with me?

Celebrities Who Go Commando

Occasionally I will notice a paparazzi shot of a male celebrity that catches them going commando. Recently Jon Hamm from Mad Men made an appearance on Conan's show and it was very noticeable he wasn't wearing underwear. It reminded me I had...

What do you like to wear...

... when freeballing? The garment that feels best to me is fleece sweatpants. Sometimes I also like to sleep freeballing in flannel pajamas. The most uncomfortable thing for me is wool pants. Jeans with a metal zipper probably fall somewhere in the...

furry or smooth

i perfer furry or naturial god gift to us for a reasons

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which side

never thought about they swing both ways lol

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i do it for comfort only most of my short r to long lol but i do try to go out nude evernow and then outside in yard when i can and neighbors are close

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Who's that?

Who's that in the group listing and banner? Well it's me. I don't know how the photo got there (not that I mind). Anyhow "they" didnt drop too much of a clanger as I'm a 24/7 freeballer, when I'm not totally naked. ...

Freeballing at Lowe's!

Just got back in from running some errands and I have to admit, I don't think I've ever been shopping at Lowe's while freeballing. But I did today! As I was getting dressed I thought about the "Freeballing" group and decided I...