Naked At Home - 2014 / 2024 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...

Doing your chores naked!

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Anyone seem to enjoy household chores when able to perform them nude?

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RE:Doing your chores naked!

Love working around the house nude and doing the chores. I enjoy cooking nude the most I think.


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RE:Doing your chores naked!

Love working around the house nude and doing the chores. I enjoy cooking nude the most I think.Adam
Same here!

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RE:Doing your chores naked!

Some times, but I'm a bit of a mess.

All the more reason to do your chores nude.
Skin cleans easier than clothing.

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RE:Doing your chores naked!

Always! The only way to do house chores!
.I Live Nude.
Only exception is to go to the store , take a daily 2 to 3 miles neighborhood walk, and get mail from the street side mailbox.
I am laying out Nude on my patio now.
ALL is Good!

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RE:Doing your chores naked!

since I started living alone and had all the house chores for myself, I started doing them nude. Partially because in Brazil we have really hot summers, which make cleaning the house much more excruciating. So, it feels pointless to do something that will only make your clothes sweaty and dirty haha. Also, I love cooking naked.

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RE:Doing your chores naked!

Always! The only way to do house chores!.I Live Nude.Only exception is to go to the store , take a daily 2 to 3 miles neighborhood walk, and get mail from the street side mailbox.I am laying out Nude on my patio now.ALL is Good!

Since you essentially live nude, do you have relatively limited clothing?
Do you wear just shorts for your neighborhood walks?
It is legal to be nude in your front yard in Florida but if you got your mail nude it probably would upset your neighbors!

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RE:Doing your chores naked!

since I started living alone and had all the house chores for myself, I started doing them nude. Partially because in Brazil we have really hot summers, which make cleaning the house much more excruciating. So, it feels pointless to do something that will only make your clothes sweaty and dirty haha. Also, I love cooking naked.

Are you usually nude at home when you are not doing chores also?

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RE:Doing your chores naked!

Gets really hot here in So Cal where I live (100+F in the mid-summer), so I do the same ... chores and cooking in the nude ... why wear clothes when you live alone? Just makes more chores to do, more laundry to wash, so why bother with clothes?

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RE:Doing your chores naked!

Unless the temperature is about 75 or less, I would prefer to be nude, and as we move toward Summer temps and I am moving around in a house with no central air (which I don't like anyways), I'd much prefer to be nude. The last couple of days have been hot where I am, and I'd do most things nude if didn't upset or irritate others.

I get how people may get freaked out over someone being nude in public, but my neighbors would shun me if I even did that inside the home. I'm not showing off; its simply for comfort! Nothing more, nothing less (nothing on.)

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RE:Doing your chores naked!

Naked chores outdoors, get tidy garden, exercise, and all over tan, win,win,win lol

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