Nude Experiences!!

As some of you know that i am pretty new to the world of Nudism, would love for people to share with me their stories /and or experiences of their first time being nude indoors or ourdoors!! Come on you must have some lol :o)

What is the funniest thing??

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"What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you or that you have seen while nude?
"I have a story or two that I will share when time permits.In the meantime, lets hear from you.

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RE: What is the funniest thing??

about a month ago i was its was after work i was watching tv nude like most nights and a heard a knock at the doorso i put my robe on to see i open the door there was a woman looking for a address as iam telling her wear to go my dog comes behind me and jumps up on the door to say so i pull the dog away from the door she jumps on me knocking my robe open i did not relize this happen till i catch the womans eyes looking down a few timesi i relize what happen and grab my robe closed and finished telling her wear to go she thanked me and left

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RE: What is the funniest thing??

One time a few years ago I was at a comedy show when one of the comedians asked if there was anyone in the audience that would like to be nude. Without even thinking my hand shot up in the air. He looked directly at me and said "Go for it". I stood up, undressed, placed my shirt on the seat, and sat back down again. Watched the rest of his act comfortably free of clothing

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RE: What is the funniest thing??

I was camped on Panther key in the Ten Thousand Island Preserve in Florida. I only camp naked there and the nearby Everglades National Park. I have literally never spent a day clothed there. (I strip as soon as I am clear of the marina with room to manuever).
On Panther key, as I was stretched out in my lawnchair in my birthday suit reading a
book, I looked up and there was a tourboat maybe 30 feet away! They had approached alongshore from downwind, and I hadn't heard them coming. Most of
the tourists looked away, but a few did wave. The tour guide said
absolutely nothing. (The same boat came by the next day, but was much
farther offshore.)

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RE: What is the funniest thing??

My house sits on the rear corner of20 very rural acres of forested property, bordered on the North and East by 14,000 acres of forested State Game Lands. A short window is open on the South side to far-reaching farm fields. This lets me spend most of my summer time with out clothing except for a short haying season andby occasional instances when the nearest neighbor lady hikes the fields with her dog.
On the corner of my property nearest this lady's house is where I cut and stack fire wood both as an exercise program and supplemental heat source. This corner is near the back line of the lady's property, so in order to avoid conflicts, I've built my stacked wood into a squared off "U" shape where I can work in the center of the U and not be seen except for a narrow area of the fields.
Several weeks ago, on a slightly overcast Sunday morning, I went to split wood already placed in the U. As the sky cleared and the sun was shining into my work area, I discarded my clothing and went to work. (one photo in my profile is from that morning)As I was getting into the rhythm of splitting and stacking I hear from the driveway side of the wood pile; "Excuse me sir. I'd like to ask you some questions about the camp for sale down the road." I look up to see a man approaching the wood pile and as he got to the spot where he could see into my alcove he shouted "OH JESUS, I'M SORRY!!". He looked mortified and really embarrassed at first, but I laughed and replied, "It's too late now, what do you need." He seemed to relax a little and proceeded to ask questions about some property for sale near by. We talked for about 15 minutes and I never did retrieve my clothes which were some distance away.
In his car, in the drive, was a woman who never got out. I wonder what his reaction would have been if she's have wanted to join the conversation!! I told my wife about the incident and we have a laugh every time we mention it. I'm curious to see if they ever become our neighbors.

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RE: What is the funniest thing??

I told my wife about the incident and we have a laugh every time we mention it. I'm curious to see if they ever become our neighbors.
It's been 4 months now. Have these people become your neighbors? I figure you should know by now if they are or not.

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RE: What is the funniest thing??

I was hiking nakedlast week on a narrow mountain path between a bunch of prickly thistles on one side and stinging nettles on the other. I was just saying how careful we had to be when I slipped and fell backwards into the nettles. Ouch!

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RE: What is the funniest thing??

I like rock climbing and often do it naked on the cliffs above a nudist beach. I was doing this on my last holiday whenabout 15 clothedyogastudents came round the corner looking for a shady place to hold their class. The spot they picked was right below where I was climbing. They all watched me as I climbed up and then as I climbed down again. Were they fascinated by this silly old man climbing naked or were they just frightened that I might fall on top of them? When I got down they invited me to join the yoga class - me naked, all the others clothed.

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RE: What is the funniest thing??

a couple come to mind.Years ago I was in Negril at well known nude beach. A boat load of drunk tourist went by and mooned us. We all thot it very funny to be mooned while on a nude beach.
I got a new off road bicycle and decided to try it out by riding it nude up a farmer's lane by the setting full moon. It was a paththat I often hiked nude early in the AM. At the turn around point behind the farmer's dairy barn, there was a dead cow in the path.I had to swerve quickly to avoid hitting it. I was successful but did have a chuckle of what would have happened had I hit the cowand been knocked out, and the farmer found me sprawled unconscious beside his dead cow when the sun came up
great question thanks for asking

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RE:What is the funniest thing??

About the funniest thing that's happened me happened when I was a young lad of 17. It was summer break and had a break between morning and afternoon activities so I decided to go outside and lay out for awhile. I went out to the far end of the backyard between a fence and a big 'ol pine tree. I knew that my neighbors, mostly older folks, weren't going outside in the middle of the day so I decided to strip off my suit to get rid of that pesky tan line. Everything was quiet, peaceful and relaxing. I was certainly enjoying my first nudist experience UNTIL I heard the mailbox lid slam. Not having time to cover up, much less the inclination, I stayed where I was. As the mail person walked through the yard SHE let out a whistle and a 'looking good'!! What could I do at that point except smile and say 'thank you'. I switched up the tanning location after that to the top of the flat roof that was surrounded by trees and private. LOL

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RE:What is the funniest thing??

About the funniest thing that's happened me happened when I was a young lad of 17. It was summer break and had a break between morning and afternoon activities so I decided to go outside and lay out for awhile. I went out to the far end of the backyard between a fence and a big 'ol pine tree. I knew that my neighbors, mostly older folks, weren't going outside in the middle of the day so I decided to strip off my suit to get rid of that pesky tan line. Everything was quiet, peaceful and relaxing. I was certainly enjoying my first nudist experience UNTIL I heard the mailbox lid slam. Not having time to cover up, much less the inclination, I stayed where I was. As the mail person walked through the yard SHE let out a whistle and a 'looking good'!! What could I do at that point except smile and say 'thank you'. I switched up the tanning location after that to the top of the flat roof that was surrounded by trees and private. LOL

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