Nude Experiences!!

As some of you know that i am pretty new to the world of Nudism, would love for people to share with me their stories /and or experiences of their first time being nude indoors or ourdoors!! Come on you must have some lol :o)

What is the funniest thing??

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"What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you or that you have seen while nude?
"I have a story or two that I will share when time permits.In the meantime, lets hear from you.

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RE:What is the funniest thing??

The one I remember most was when I wasn't actually nude, but may as well have been. My friend and I had been driving naked when we decided to stop to buy ice creams. We came to a mountain village - just a large restaurant, some market stalls and a few houses. We parked and each put on a wrap. Mine barely covered my privates and was see-through - more a gesture than a cover. Otherwise we were naked. Walking past the stalls we were offered clothing. Reaching the restaurant we chose the ice creams and I went to pay - to pay two young Spanish girls seated near the till. So their eye level was level with my, somewhat inadequate cover. They laughed and remarked on the fact they could see everything. Keeping a straight face I paid and we left, knowing we had given two lovely girls some entertainment. Normally when seeing someone naked we might be so distracted that we forget the face. Not in this case! Next day we went back, fully dressed and for a meal. One of the girls came up, looked me close in the face and asked if we had been there the day before. I said Yes. At which point she went and told all the other waitresses (in Spanish) to their amusement and the disgust of two diners within earshot. Apparently it was rare for holiday makers to come up to the mountain from the nudist resort. We were thanked. But we weren't served any faster.

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RE:What is the funniest thing??

We have 2 wolf hybrids (brother and sister from same parents but different litters). I am always naked at home unless it's cold, so the furries are used to seeing me that way. Today I was petting the 6 month puppy, and his 2 year old sister decided she needed more attention. She reached out with her paw, and I moved back to avoid getting scratched. I still got a very light but visible scratch.

So when my wife got home, I said "Honey, wolf scratched my penis!"

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