Has the pandemic directed you in nude ways?

Has the pandemic directed you in nude ways?

Has the pandemic directed you in nude ways?

Covid-19 has swept across the globe like a deadly assassin seeking out our elderly and those with weakened immune systems. Like many, I’ve read about pandemics such as the Spanish Flu, but this will be one for the books. I’ll be sure to share with my grandkids how Sheltering-in-Place was an odd time of not knowing what day it was; how pj’s were a staple outfit; how I binge watched shows and consumed my weight in wine.

I’ll recount how within a week of lock down people were getting the hang of video conference calls and making do. I’ll share how funny headlines popped up like “Walmart Reports Increased Top Sales but not Bottoms” - apparently the Donald Duckin’ it look was trending. And then there were the hilarious screenshots shared of “Bob” naked in a Zoom video conference call and getting busted by his co-workers. There’s even the Good Morning America reporter who went on air with no pants and it was visible to amused viewers. Zoom became the new norm for social happy hours with loved ones. Truenudists.com even got a mention in a Forbes article stating nude Zoom parties are a fun and safe social way people are connecting.

Becoming comfortable at home and more unproductive by the day, I wondered if this was a great chance for people to practice nudism at home. Can’t think of a better time for a “Screw the pj’s, who wants to do laundry anyway” type of attitude. As time has passed we’ve seen a spike of new users as well. Those who have enjoyed being nude at home and are sincerely curious about the lifestyle.

In the US, as many states are slowly opening up non-essential businesses, I wonder if Clothing Optional resorts will see an increase in nude guests. I’m curious to see how many of you will take the physical leap into naturism once we have some semblance of normality. Covid-19 has brought some clarity and focus as to what bucket list experiences some want to have once this has passed.

What will you do with your newfound respect for nudism while social distancing? Many will likely flock to those they've missed during this time. Some will emerge from their home craving a sense of adventure. What about you? Will you take advantage of the outdoors with a nude hike or visit a hot spring? Maybe venture out to the nearest nude resort to get a tan and play some water volleyball? Or even baby steps and tiptoe into a backyard pool for a refreshing skinny dip. You might even think eh, I’m good with being nude at home for now. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter which you choose as long as you’re comfortable in your birthday suit, you’ve gained some body positivity and you enjoy your naturist experience. There’s so much to explore in this beautiful world and the possibilities are limitless.

Cheers and stay safe!

Tags : Coronavirus, Covid-19, Nudism

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  • From what Ive read, many discovered the joy and convenience of working nude during the pandemic. Im not sure we will ever go back to a fully in office workweek. Instead, hybrid seems to be the preferred option for many. I suspect those days we are at home, many have maintained a clothes free way of working. That is certainly a silver lining of the couple of years we lived through.
    • Was quite good from a nudist point of view, not many people around, people unable to visit, so it made it so easy to walk around the house in the nude. Going outside though and near to the front door needed to have a back up cover just in case someone came to the door, otherwise It was easy to be nude most of the time when at home.
      • What pandemic, it was all one giant scam in order to sell fake vaccines
        • Its just my wife and myself! Why should we dress?
          • Cheers and stay safe!
            • I'll put a positive spin on it. My wife and I have been sleeping nude for decades and we did a little nude here & there, but never would have said that we were nudists/naturists. "Working from home" ruined me, and eventually my wife, but in a good way. I heard more and more about people joining the "revolution" I did too. Eventually my wife and I talked about trying out places like Cypress Cove and Lake Como (and LOVED them!) and we joined a local non-landed club. Things have never been the same!!!
              • As we study medical science we our zelfs had no problems and demanded to unmask so we all can be natural and had no problems the only problem is when people are vaxxed the shedding danger comes around the corner so no FWB. Sadly Pfizer talks about 14 day's in their leaflet and other doctors up to 4 months .
                • at first I had several nude meets with masks. It was very different and kind of interesting to have nothing on except a mask over my face. Lately, its been business as usual nude with others as often as possible
                  • part 2: so there were a lot of people at the nude beach during the summer and I made a few new friends. This continued during the summer of 2021 but there were less people. I did see a couple friends from the prior year.
                    • Yes, in a positive way. I am semi retired and work as a part time driver. I would leave home around 8 AM to pick up clients for a day treatment program, then return around 3:30 PM to take them back home. In 2020 I resigned my position at the beginning of the summer so that I could enjoy a lot of time at the nude beach. I had received my first vaccination, and maybe my second. During that time a lot of businesses were closed and people still received compensation from their employer or through unemployment
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